
"The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being." - Lech Walesa

Saturday 26 January 2013

ብስጭት በጨዋታ “…ቡርኪናፋሶ አበዛብኝ ለቅሶ!” ......ከአቤ ቶክቻው

እንደምን አደራችሁ ብስጭት እናስነብባለን በመጀመሪያም አርዕስተ ብስጭት።
በትላንትናው ዕለት ብሄራዊ ቡድናችን ላይ በደረሰበት መጠነ ሰፊ ጥቃት በርካቶች መበሳጨታቸው ተሰማ።
ብሄራዊ ቡድናችን፤ በደቡብ አፍሪካ ያለ ኮከብ በሚያበራው የኢትዮጵያ ባንዲራ፤ በባለ አንበሳው ሞአንበሳ ባንዲራ በባለኮከቡ የፌደራሉ ባንዲራ እንዲሁም በባለ ዋርካው የኦነግ ባንዲራ ምን እርሱ ብቻ በባለ ቀንበጡ የኤርትራ ባንዲራ ሁሉ ሲደገፍ ተመልክተን እማማ ኢትዮጵያ ብዙ ልጆች እንዳሏት አየን ደስም አለን!
የብስጭቱ ዝርዝር ቀጥሎ ይቀርባል፤
ጨዋታው እንደተጀመረ በጥቂት ደቂቃዎች ውስጥ ቁጭ ብድግ የሚያሰኝ ማራኪ ጨዋታዎችን አድርጎ የነበረው ብሄራዊ ቡድናችን በሽመልስ አማካይነት የተሞከረችው የጎል አጋጣሚ ለጥቂት በጣም ለጥቂት በግቡ ቋሚ አማካይነት መከነች። እንዴት ነው ነገሩ የግቡ ቋሚ የቡርኪናፋሶ ረዳት በረኛ ነው እንዴ ብለን በጣም ተበሳጨን! እርርር..ም አልን።
እያለ እያለ አንድ ጎል ገባብን አንድ የቡርኪናፋሶ ተጫዋች ኦፍሳይት ክልል ውስጥ ነበር። ምናልባት እርሱ አዘናግቷቸው ይሆን…? ብለን አሁንም ተበሳጨን። ትንሽ ቆይቶ አሉን ከምንላቸው ተጨዋቾች ውስጥ አዳነ ግርማ ከአንዱ የቡርኪናፋሶ ተጫዋች ጋር ተጋጭቶ ሲወድቅ አየነው። ሲገጭ ያየነው እግሩ አካባቢ ነው። አዳነ ግን የያዘው ብሽሽቱን ነበር። እንዴት ነው ነገሩ ሰዎቹ እግር ገጭተው ብሽሽት የሚያሳምሙት…? የአዴ ስልት ነው… ወይስ ህመም በእግር “ሜሴጅ” ያደርጋሉ። ብለን እየተጨነቅን ሳለ አዴ ህመሙ በረታበትና ከሜዳ ወጣ። ኤርሚ  እንደዘገበልን፤ አዳነ የታመመው እግሩን ከተገቢው በላይ ከፍ በማድረጉ አማካይነት የሚመጣ የጡንቻ መሳሳብ ነው። ይህ ህመም ለሚቀጥሉት አስር ቀናት ከሜዳ ያርቃል። ተበሳጨን አይገልፀውም፤ “ኦ…. ብስጭት ሆይ እንዲህ ደጋግመሽ የምትጎበኝን አንቺ የቤተሰባችን አባል ነሽን!?” አልን።

The EOTC Synod in Exile: Issues and Challenges

by Teklu Abate
The reconciliation efforts underway between the EOTC home and exile synods seem to come to an abrupt halt. Technically speaking, it is the home synod who takes it to the limit. The ratification of a law that governs patriarch choice, the selection of patriarch nominating committee, the crystal clear decision not to allow Abune Merkorios to reassume his position, and the firm decision to proceed with election of patriarch are four of the many ‘hurdles’ put forward by the home synod that freeze the unity negotiations. Putting God’s will at a constant, one could reasonably conclude that the peace talks reached at a point of no return ‘thanks’ to the home synod.
On the other hand, the exile synod made their own decisions that seem to indicate, among other things, the scale of their future engagement. The synod clarified a number of issues that were “incorrectly” raised by the home synod, including those related to the way the fourth patriarch was ousted. More importantly, the exile synod vowed to build its capacity at several ‘fronts’ and strengthen the spread of the Gospel in foreign lands. They are also poised to bring “neutral” churches under their authority. Moreover, they plan to expose the ill-conceived ‘moves’ of the home synod and the government in Ethiopia to international organizations.
I believe that the synod’s decisions are kind of default measures to be taken. If reconciliation is just a dream, it is crucial to focus on growing the church in quantity and quality. Actually, a lot could be done in the years to come. The synod rightly decided to build its organizational capacity for a better outreach. That EOTC believers live in nearly all major cities in the West and Asia makes it necessary to get strengthened administratively first. And that is quite possible.

Ethiopia: Discussing ethnic nationalism and ethnic conflicts By Fekade Shewakena;

Over the last couple of weeks, particularly following news that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) foiled an assassination plot against Ato Abebe Gelaw, a journalist and political activist who heckled Meles Zenawi at a heads of states meeting in Washington DC last year, a completely misguided and unhelpful ethnic politicking is raging on the internet, Ethiopian social media and community radio stations. While I was nursing a terrible flue last weekend, I had some time to surf through several Ethiopian pal-talk rooms and internet sites. By and large, the discussions, if you can call them that, are ugly , savage and most importantly unhelpful . It is sad that such a wonderful technology that can bring people from different corners of the world on a spot and can be used for meaningful discussions and problem solving actions is being abused so flagrantly.
My objective here is not making accusations but to poin   out how dangerous and counterproductive the prevailing discussions and views that I observed are. I am in no way trying to discourage discussion on the subject of ethnic politics in Ethiopia. On the contrary, the reason I am writing this is because I favor even more reasoned and civilized discussions on the subject of ethnic nationalism and conflicting ethnic interests that I believe are growing dangerously in our country. We have to discuss this issue even if some parts of it can make us uncomfortable. We can cover the fire with the ash and convince ourselves that there is no fire in there but some wind someday is bound to blow it on our faces. We are compounding the problem by not putting it to reasoned discussion and articulate with evidence and data along with the solutions and with a level of dispassionateness.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

VOA discussion on military mutiny in Eritrea

Why should Ethiopians support ESAT? Mr. Tamagne’s Europe campaign tour

ESAT Europe Support Committee

Background information and Statement of the problem
Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT logo)
In spite of Ethiopia’s long history and the fact that the nation is one of the ancient civilizations, the country is being ruled by absolute dictatorship which evolved to ethnic based totalitarianism under TPLF/EPRDF administration. Particularly in the aftermaths of the 2005 Ethiopian national elections, the regime developed a strategy of steadily shrinking press freedom and systematically eliminating independent newspapers in an attempt to rule the people of Ethiopia in total darkness.  Among the enacted three deeply flawed laws by Zenawi’s regime is the media law. The law contained numerous provisions that fundamentally violets freedom and human rights guaranteed under Ethiopia’s constitution and international laws – aimed at terrorizing journalists that report facts and criticize the intolerable TPLF policies. Escalating its repression the regime’s antiterrorism proclamation (ATP) of the 2009 has been widely used to criminalize any critical comments and dissent opposition in an attempt for an absolute grip over the media and to root out the seedlings of democracy. Pro-opposition websites has been blocked and jamming of websites and Medias including VOA and ESAT is frequent and is widely acknowledged by international organizations as stated underneath.

Ethiopia: FBI aware of TPLF’s terrorist activities: Genocide Watch

By Abebe Gellaw
Genocide Watch, the Global coalition to end genocide and mass atrocities, says that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is well aware of the fact that the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) is a terrorist organization that the United States should label as such.In an exclusive interview with ESAT, President of Genocide Watch, Prof. Gregory Stanton, said any specific threats from TPLF agents and operatives in the United States should be reported to the FBI right away. “The FBI has got the TPLF already in its sights. It knows very well that the TPLF is a terrorist organization,” he said.

He also pointed out that the U.S. should declare the TPLF a terrorist organization and made clear that efforts would be exerted to bring that to the attention of the concerned authorities. TPLF is already registered in the Global Terrorism Database (GTD), kept by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, a center of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
He noted that TPLF’s assassination plots and criminal activities in the United States would have serious ramifications on the questionable relationships it has with the Government of the United States. “First of all, FBI will try to hunt them down, arrest them and put them in prison. Secondly, it will have ramifications on the foreign policy of the United States towards Ethiopia because the TPLF is still in charge of the government there.”
He urged the government of the United States to seriously review the assistance it gives to Ethiopia in light

Tuesday 22 January 2013

The Irresponsibility of the Privileged? Alemayehu G. Mariam

by Alemayehu G. Mariam
Chomsky chafed at the social irresponsibility of American intellectuals
Recently, Naom Chomsky, MIT Professor of Linguistics and arguably America’s foremost public intellectual, gave an interview to Al Jazeera on the social (ir)responsibility of American academics and intellectuals. Chomsky, 84, has been raising hell for over four decades, getting into the faces of the powerful and mighty and whipping them with the truth. He recently excoriated President Obama as lacking a “moral center” for using drone warfare to “run a global assassination campaign”. Chomsky has been called a “left winger”, a “radical activist” and even a “communist”, and has been on the receiving end of a few distasteful epithets. But the firebrand octogenarian is undeterred and as strong, as plain-spoken and outspoken as ever. He remains a relentless critic of capitalism, neoliberalism, globalization, warfare, corruption, repression, abuse and misuse of power and human rights violations in America and abroad. Along the way, he has continued his scholarly pursuits in linguistics.
In his Al Jazeera interview, “Noam Chomsky: The Responsibility of Privilege”, Chomsky chafed at the social irresponsibility of American intellectuals and denounced the greedy and rapacious elites for using their power to disempower ordinary people, confuse and render them intellectually inert, servile and defenseless.
Al Jazeera: Is it the responsibility of academics and other  intellectuals to be engaged politically?

To Dawit Kebede, Awramba Times Editor

Where are the Ethiopian people in this discussion?

Dear Ato Dawit Awramba Times Editor,
Melkam Timket, I followed a one hour of your recent guest appearance on “Civility” Room posted on YouTube. The tape stopped on the questions and answers time from the audience. You claim that the attack on you by diaspora journalists is because of your Tigrean identity, you went on and say some Tigreans like Abrah Belai even distance themselves from being a Tigre. To defend your claim you brought Abrah Belai, Ethiomedia Editor interview on which you alleged Abrah said he was born in Raya very close to Amhara speaking area of Wello, Is that not true?
The recent fight in Addis Ababa University is sure not of diaspora journalists instigated. Woyane has planted ethnic mistrust in our country for more than 21 years. Woyane rule in the name of the people of Tigray. Tigrai elites we can say 99.6 percent are behind Woyane. Who is to blame for this, the diaspora journalists?
In your conversation you fail to attack Woyane that denied the rights of our people to organize and assemble freely as the root cause of mistrust between the people of Tigray and the rest of Ethiopian. Journalists after all report to the public but at this time the people are out of this game by force then what are you journalists reporting?

Ethiopian Regime Expands its State Sponsored Terrorism to the United States

Ethiopian Political Civic Democratic Forces
Joint Actions Coordinating Committee

Ethiopians Condemn the foiled Assassination Plot on Journalist Abebe Gelaw

January 20, 2013
The Ethiopian community in America is outraged to learn about the foiled plan of assassination attempt on Abebe Gellaw, an Ethiopian journalist in exile in the U.S. This clearly reflects the irredeemable criminal nature of the incumbent Ethiopian regime led by TPLF (Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front). According to credible media sources in the US, the plan of the assassination was foiled by FBI and the culprits are under investigation.
Abebe Gelaw is a known critic of the Ethiopian regime and a strong advocate for the rule of law in Ethiopia which is controlled and ruled by a hardcore ethnic minority (TPLF) for the last 21 years.
Many Ethiopians at home and abroad face similar fate as Mr. Gellaw and fear for their lives. There is no rule of law in Ethiopia and no guarantee for the protection of life, liberty or property under the current regime. Businessmen, students, religious leaders, peaceful protestors in Ethiopia, in Kenya, South Africa and other places face threats and assassination. The blood thirsty regime succeeded in assassinating exiled Governors of Gabmbella and Moyale who were the first two causalities in Nairobi, Kenya.

Sunday 20 January 2013

TPLF military tigthens grip on Ethiopian economy


Meet MetEC – the misleadingly named Ethiopian Metal and Engineering Corporation that has come to dominate the Ethiopian economy in less than one year.

Headed by Brigadier General Kinfu Dagnew, MetEC now controls 15 industries and 100 factories. It has its fingers in everything from the so-called Grand Renaissance Dam to arms factories, to a spanking new fertilizer factory, to ten sugar factories, one of which presumably requires the tearing down of Waldiba Monastery.

MetEC is the latest creative move by TPLF to tighten its grip and to control every aspect of the life of Ethiopians.  It entrenches a patronage system that gives a larger stake to the military while guaranteeing the survival of the regime. 

Disguised as economic development, the move is also further evidence of unabashed wealth transfer from a much-suffering population held hostage to an unrepresentative ethnic minority that has created a police state with the blessing of foreign powers.  Many of the foreign backers also benefit from various illicit deals with the secretive regime.

The bigger fish gulp the smaller ones

By Yonas Abiye  | Ethiopian Reporter
Recently, a flock of Ethiopian celebrities were fighting to voice their experiences on their visit to one of the government owned military industrial complexes.