
"The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being." - Lech Walesa

Saturday 14 April 2012

በትናንትናው እለት በአንዋር መስጊድ ሙስሊሞች ተቃውሞአቸውን አሰሙ

ሚያዚያ ፮ (ስድስት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም
ኢሳት ዜና:-እጅግ በርካታ ህዝብ በተገኘበት በዚሁ ስነስርአት ላይ ሙስሊሞቹ የአላህን ታላቅነት ሲያውጁ፣ መንግስት የአህባሽን አስተምህሮ ለማስፋፋት እና የመጅሊስ አመራሮችን  ለመሾም የሚያደርገውን እንቅስቃሴ አውግዘዋል። ዘጋቢያችን ያነጋገራቸው ሙስሊሞች እንዳሉት መንግስት ለራሱ የሚመቹትን የመጅሊስ አመራሮች ለመሾም እየተንቀሳቀሰ መገኘቱ አበሳጭቶዋቸዋል።
ዳውድ ይባላል፣  የ20 አመት ወጣት ነው። መንግስት ሙስሊሞች  ላቀረቡት የመብት ጥያቄ ቀጥተኛ የሆነ መልስ ከመስጠት ጥያቄውን ለማድበስበስ መሞከሩን ይቃወማል። ሙስሊሙ ማህበረሰብ መብቱን ለማስጠበቅ ዝግጁ ቢሆንም፣ መሪዎቹ የህዝቡን ጥያቄ ይዘው እሰከምን ደረጃ ሊገፉ እንደሚችሉ ግን እንደማያውቅ ገልጧል። ሩቂያ ደግሞ የአወልያ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት ተማሪ ስትሆን፣ ዘወትር አርብ እየተገኘች የሙስሊሙን ችግር ለማሰማት በመቻሉዋ ደስተኛ ነች። በእርሷ አቋም ቤተሰቦቹዋ ደስተና መሆናቸውንም ተናግራለች።
የኢሳት ዘጋቢ እንደገለጠው ሙስሊሞቹ ጥያቄያቸውን ለመንግስት ባለስልጣናት አቅርበው መልስ ከመጠበቅ ውጭ፣ ሌሎች የትግል አማራጮችን ለመጠቀም የመሪዎቻቸውን ፈቃድ ይጠይቃሉ። ብዙ ወጣቶች ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ለመውጣት ፍላጎት ቢናራቸውም፣ መሪዎቹ ግን ትግሉን በተራዘመ እና በሰከነ መንገድ ለመምራት የፈለጉ ይመስላል፣ ይህም ስትራቴጂ በተወሰነ መጠን የተሳካላቸው ይመስላል፣ ቀስ በቀስም መላውን ሙስሊም ከጎናቸው ለማሰለፍ ከመቻላቸውም በላይ  በሚሰጡት በሳል አመራር መንግስትን ግራ አጋብተውታል በማለት ገልጧል። መንግስት በአወሊያ እንዳይሰባሰቡ ሲያግዳቸው ፣ መሰባሰቡን በእየመስጊዱ አደረጉት፣ ድሮ በአንድ ቦታ የነበረው ተቃውሞ አሁን በመላ አገሪቱ ተሰራጨ፣ በየአገሩ የሚታየው ዳግም አወልያ ነው ሲል የተመለከተውን ዘግቧል። በሙስሊሙ ወገን ያለው ስሜት ከሳምንት ሳምንት እየጠነከረ መምጣቱን መንግስትን በእጅጉ እንዳስፈራውም አልሸሸገም። መንግስት ሙስሊሙን ለማስፈራራት የተወሰኑ ሙስሊሞችን በቴሌቪዥን አቅርቦ ከአልቃይዳ ጋር ግንኙነት ያላቸው አሸባሪዎች ናቸው ብሎአል፣ ሙስሊሙ ግን ለመንግስት ማስፈራሪያ ቁብ እንዳልሰጠ በየመስጊዱ ከሚታየው የህዝብ ስሜት በቀላሉ ለማየት ይቻላል ሲል ዘገባውን አጠቃሏል።

UN demands responses from Norway about the Asylum seekers return agreement with Ethiopia


Ethiopians Asylum Seekers took action in April outside the castle where it was held Council. The asylum seekers carried a placard that reads "Stop helping the dictator in Ethiopia," which refers to the Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who has held power in the country since 1991.Ethiopian Demonstration Photo: Junge, Heiko / Scanpix
(it is not edited just we post it by using google translator you can follow the original  link http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/norge/1.8071883)
In another letter to the Norwegian government is the United Nations with critical questions to Norway's controversial return agreement with Ethiopia. Among the things the United Nations wonder is how Norway is to prevent the returned asylum seekers tortured.

UN Special Rapporteur for migrants' rights, Francois Crepeau, asking Norway to answer more questions about the extradition agreement between Norway and Ethiopia.
About 700 Ethiopians who have been denied their asylum applications is scheduled to be sent home after Norway signed a controversial deal with returning the Ethiopian regime 26 January this year.
Currently, only five Ethiopians were sent back to their home country, all five went voluntarily.
In a new, critical letter to the Norwegian authorities that NRK has had access to, ask the UN Special Rapporteur on migrants' rights with five critical questions to return the agreement.
"The agreement does not make any guarantees that the returned asylum seekers will not be subjected to harassment, persecution, discrimination or criminal prosecution when they return," said the letter.
The UN is also concerned that Ethiopia, the ARRA (The Ethopian Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs), will receive 26,000 Norwegian kroner for each Ethiopian returned.
UN asks then how Norwegian authorities will see to it that the money comes the Ethiopians returned to good, and ask the same time it is true that the ARRA do not have experience to accept returned asylum seekers, as noted by return appointment.

Ethiopian asylum seekers in Norway over the last four years

2011: 201 off - 182 grant
2010: 314 off - 181 grant
2009: 201 off - 217 grant
2008: 129 off - 141 grant
Source: Directorate of Immigration

- How will you prevent torture?
The letter, signed the UN Special Rapporteur on migrants' rights, François Crépeau, asks also how to avoid the returned asylum seekers are not subjected to torture.
The Ethiopian asylum seekers' association in Norway have previously stated that repatriated Ethiopians at risk of being abducted and tortured in their homeland.
The letter from the United Nations it also appears that it is critical that Norway in agreement with Ethiopia is committed to provide "as much information as possible" for asylum seekers returned.
"It has been suggested that this may pose a risk for those returns," writes the UN, as the bottom of the letter asks whether the information above is correct.


Liberal Party leader Trine Skei Grande is pleased that the United Nations raises critical to the Norwegian authorities.
- Have not looked at what they send them to
Liberal Leader Trine Skei Grande says to NRK that she is pleased that the UN has been involved in Ethiopia question.
- The UN ask questions very similar to the questions the Liberals have asked in Parliament, as we have been very bad answer. Government can not say that they follow up in relation to torture, or what happens to them we send back, said Skei Grande.
She says that she, like the UN, respond that you should send back asylum seekers who have a security police with very bad reputation.
- This should be a wake in the World - and the Justice Department that you get as sharp questions from the UN. This is a question of human rights violations, there is talk of a terrible regime, with a terrible secret police that we send these people.
She believes the case shows that Norway must take greater account of human rights.
- Here the government has been most concerned to achieve a return appointment, and hardly enough regarded the regime you send people back, says Grande.

- Requires fingerprints
Klassekampen writes today that a legal tangle that the work returns are stopped. In a letter from Immigration to the Police Directorate states that the Ethiopian authorities require that the Norwegian police take fingerprints of them to be returned, to issue the necessary travel documents.
The police have stopped doing because it is in doubt whether it has title to it. Thus, they are not to be returned, travel documents, and thus they can not go home.
Political scientist and associate professor at the University of Stavanger Girum Zeleke is from Ethiopia. He says many of those who have applied for voluntary return are afraid to give up their fingerprints.
- They consider it safer than being forced to return. Then they can say they have been economic refugees, although they have been political, says Zeleke the class struggle.
He explains that these have given a false identity because they were afraid of being caught by agents of the regime in Ethiopia.
- If the fingerprints of their being handed over to Ethiopian authorities, their real identity be revealed, and they also risk severe punishment for forgery, said Zeleke.

- Will be answered
The letter from the United Nations it also appears that one wonders how Norway should ensure that the rights of asylum seekers who are entitled to protection and asylum seekers should be addressed.
Senior adviser at the Ministry of Justice, Trond Øvstedal, told NRK.no that the letter from the United Nations has been received and will be answered within the deadline.
- Until then, we do not want to comment on this, says Øvstedal.
NRK has been in contact with the UN Special Rapporteur on migrants' rights, François Crépeau. Crépeaus representative Jacqui Zalcberg says that the UN does not have the opportunity to comment on the criticism at the present time, and that the purpose of the letter is to get further information about a situation you "are potentially concerned."
The UN has given the Norwegian government 60 days to respond to criticism in the letter, dated 23 March and also been sent Ethiopian authorities.

Stopping the returns to Ethiopia from Norway

FINGERPRINT: Only five Ethiopians were repatriated from Norway after returning Agreement came into force. Lack of clarity about the fingerprints can be distributed to Ethiopia delay returns.
About 700 Ethiopians with a final rejection is next in line to be repatriated to Ethiopia after Norway signed a return agreement with the regime 26 January this year. According to information Klasskampen has obtained from the Directorate of Immigration (UDI) and National Police Immigration Service (PU), no one has so far been returned by force, and only five have returned voluntarily.
After the class struggle know, conducting a legal tangle that the work of returns is stopped. In a letter from Immigration to the Police Directorate states that the Ethiopian authorities require that the Norwegian police take fingerprints of those who will return to issue necessary travel documents. The police have stopped dealing with, because they are in doubt whether they have legal authority to do so.Thus, they are not being returned, travel documents, and can not go home to Ethiopia.
Has given false identity
Political scientist and associate professor at the University of Stavanger Girum Zeleke are even from Ethiopia. He knows more people who have applied for voluntary return, but he doubts that they will agree that their fingerprints will be received by Ethiopian authorities.
- Many people have applied for voluntary return, because they consider it safer than being forced to return. Then they can say they have been economic refugees in Europe, although in reality they have been political refugees, said Zeleke.
It is these Zeleke now believe will not agree to submit their fingerprints.
- These have given a false identity when applying for asylum because they were afraid of being exposed by the agents, who we know are active. If the fingerprint of their being handed over to Ethiopian authorities, their real identity be revealed, and they also risk severe punishment for document forgery.
May have committed offenses
It was not successful , to get answers from police about what makes them doubt whether they can deliver fingerprints to Ethiopia. Zeleke am convinced that if Ethiopia has received the fingerprints of any of the five that are returned, then, Norway has been guilty of an offense.
- I personally know of one case where an Ethiopian has been asked to give fingerprints at their local police station. If that happens, it may be an offense. I have notified the Data Inspectorate, which will follow this closely, says Zeleke.
He argues that such information may be disclosed only in the case of the return of persons who have made a punishable offense.
- It’s no longer talking about a return appointment, but an extradition treaty, he said.
Mean agreement is unlawful
When Ethiopia claimed by fingerprint of Ethiopians to be returned, they will probably argue that it is in line with the agreement signed with Norway 26 January.It says that Norway is committed to provide “as much information as possible” if they returned to help clarify their identity. A similar formulation is not found in any other return agreements entered into Norway, and have therefore met with strong criticism by, among other things, the Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers (NOAS).
Zeleke believe there are several conditions in the agreement making it illegal. He has collected more than 400 authorizations from the rejected asylum seekers from Ethiopia, which has sued the government for what they believe is an illegal agreement. Their lawyer Bent Endresen said to class struggle before Easter that return the agreement between Norway and Ethiopia in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Norwegian Immigration Act, because you risk sending people to degrading and inhuman treatment.

Ethiopia: Get out, you don’t belong here

by Ephrem Madebo
Ethiopia: Get out, you don’t belong here
When I recently heard the sickening news of mass deportation of ethnic Amharas form the southern regional state, my stomach flipped and somehow I was catapulted back to my boyhood when I was a student in Awassa Comboni Elementary School. The Comboni School of my time was home to Amharas, Ormos, Wolayitas, Sidamas, Tigrigna speakers [ from Tigray and Eritrea] and students of many other nationalities that enjoyed classes together and called themselves nothing but Ethiopians. If ethnicity was what really matters in defining who I am, I don’t belong to the Sidama ethnic group, but I always took pride when I said – I am from Sidama. I believed and I still believe the group name “Sidama” defines me more than my actual ethnic group because I was born and raised in Sidama. So according to the recent troubling news coming from Ethiopia, if I go back to Ethiopia and settle in Bensa, Shebedino, Aroresa, Arbegona, or in my home town of Awassa, does it really mean that Meles Zenawi and his slave Shiferaw Shigute can tell me “you don’t belong here”? Can they? Where else do I belong? God save the king- Oh no!
Here in the United States, I’m surrounded by law and freedom; hence, saying “yes” or “no” to the above proposition is so easy. But, the 22 thousand Ethiopians who were told “you don’t belong here” were told so at gun point and did not have any option other than running for their lives. Most of them were born and raised in the south and the south was the only place they called home until Zenawi’s Bantustan like ethnic policy made them homeless.
Meles Zenawi is a revengeful killer.  He left Haile Selassie 1st University and went to dedebit to kill, and 17 years later, he came back to Addis Ababa to kill more. His brutality and his desire to kill don’t aggravate me anymore because unless I stop him, killing is what he does for living. What really aggravates me and makes me sick to my bones is that there are some sadist creatures who throw a house warming party every time Meles tortures their countrymen. To be more precise, there are fellow Ethiopians who enjoy and defend the abuse, torture, forced evacuation, and even the killing of their own brothers and sisters.
To me, this highlights the basic tension between the values of individual rights, personal freedom, social values and shared ownership of a country. I respect the freedom of all human beings including their choice of entertainment. But, I have a serious problem when fellow Ethiopians flamboyantly clap their hands when their own country men are told.  . . “Get out, you don’t belong here”. We may have ideological or political differences, but I think we must look beyond our political differences or even beyond our emotional and visceral reaction when we see people being abused, tortured, or killed.
Most of the defenders of the TPLF regime, from the usually tanked-up professor Andreas Eshete to the rank and files here in the Diaspora, all of them are blind supporters of Zenawi’s actions with little or no regard to the consequences of the actions. It really annoys me that however big the fools in Menelik palace are, there are always bigger fools to appreciate them. The other annoying thing is that, almost all of the TPLF supporters don’t even bother to know what the issue at hand is – if the opposition or the Diaspora likes it, they hate it; or if the opposition/Diaspora hates it, they most likely like it. I guess, sometimes we should pretend to love what we actually hate so that these fools start hating it. After all, isn’t this what we call stupidity?
In the last three weeks, the forceful eviction of ethnic Amharas from southern Ethiopia, the displacement of 70K people in Afar, and the bulldozing of the nation’s sacred places have been hot button issues for Ethiopians inside and outside the country. But, by the idiots in the Menlik palace and by their blind supporters around the world, this headline news that troubled millions of Ethiopians is viewed as a simple publicity campaign.  In Gambella, there is an army keeping the people of Gambella off their land. In Waldiba, federal security forces are beating monks and demolishing sacred lands. In Afar, there is a standoff between 70 thousand Afar farmers and a federal mechanized force. In Bench Maji, federal police is beating locals who protested the deportation of ethnic Amharas [who lived with them for decades].  Elsewhere in the country there is a constant battle between the criminal army of the TPLF regime and the people. Who is the regime in Ethiopia working for?
I do believe that, in general people are rational, but I must concede that sometimes it is possible for rational people to slip into a state of irrationality and do things they would never do under normal conditions. I would also expect that such abnormal behavior should fade away once the cause that triggered it diminishes. However, in the case of the TPLF supporters, it seems that abnormality is the norm to them. At the very least, the TPLF supporters are shameless bands of Zenawi’s foot soldiers who continually humiliate themselves and their nation. Most of them have a different version of their country’s reality, a reality so distorted and twisted by their masters. The weirdest thing of all is that, how disturbing it is,  Zenawi’s supporters tend to believe his lies as the truth [most of the time knowing it is a lie]. Here are two excerpts from an article on aigaforum titled “Propaganda vs. Fact”. I urge the reader to carefully read these excerpts and realize how inconsistent these fools are even when they lie (to read the full article Click Here)
“The regional government of the Southern Nation and Nationalities is trying to regulate and control the rampant expansion on of clearing forest by new comers from all parts of Ethiopia including from its own Kilil. The official told us many people from highland Ethiopia including Amhara, Oromia, Tigrai and even Sidama and Gurage zone has moved in to farm in the affected area.  Note: Those few affected are not of any particular ethnic! They come in all colors so to speak”
People who have been farming there for long are not asked to leave. In fact there is more land to farm in the region and more will be given with proper guidance and fair allocation. There is no shortage of farm area”
Mind you, the article was written to justify the most recent crime of Meles Zenawi on the Amhara people. But, thanks to the retarded writer, the article ended up exposing the despicable crime of the ethnic minority regime. Albert Einstein, father of the theory of relativity and arguably the most famous scientist of the 20th century once said:  “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe” As stupid as the TPLF regime and its surrogates are, if Einstein was alive today, I’ve no doubt that he would have concluded the above quote with absolute certainty.
Let’s have a closer look at the first of the above two excerpts which according to the writer is fact # one. There are two ill-assorted sentences in the first paragraph alone [even by the TPLF standard]. In the first sentence of the first paragraph, there is a part that says new comers from all parts of the country are engaged in massive deforestation. While the second sentence in the same paragraph implies that highlanders from Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, Sidama and Gurage zones have moved to the affected area through the years; and those who are evicted out are not just the Amharas, but the Oromos, the Gurages, the Sidamas and the Tigreans.
Let me be as stupid as the writer is [at least for a moment] and believe everything he said, but where are the deportees from Tigray and Oromia ? Are they invisible? Is aigaforum trying to tell us that Shiferaw Shigute is still the governor of SNNP, or still at large after writing eviction letter to Tigrean settlers in South Ethiopia? Is this a joke aiga? If it is, please add at least a drop of Ethiopian humor in it.  The sanitized version of this sad story states that the order to deport the Amharas from South Ethiopia was issued by the governor of the SNNP [Shiferaw Shigute], but the whole world knows that this is the work of none other than Meles Zenawi who left Haile Selassie 1st University to take out his long time hate towards the Amhara people. I’ve a copy of Shiferaw Shigute’s eviction letter written to the Bench Maji Administration office. The letter clearly states that people who are implicated by the order are people who came from the northern part of the country with specific reference to the Amhara people. Who is the liar here? Is it Aigaforum, Shiferaw Shigute, or Meles Zenawi? Well, it is each and all. Here as one can clearly see, aigaforum is wagging its tail like a puppy to cover the lies of its master Meles Zenawi and his loyal slave Shiferaw Shigute. But, aiga ends up ridiculing itself by lying a lie that makes even the devil feel a little embarrassed.
The second excerpt stated in the article as a note to the 3rd fact reads as follows:People who have been farming there for long are not asked to leave. In fact there is more land to farm in the region and more will be given with proper guidance and fair allocation. There is no shortage of farm area” I’m sure no one knows the meaning of this oxymoron sentence except the morons of aigaforum. Sometimes I really wonder what kind of country I have and what kind of leaders my country has. Haile Mariam Desalegn goes to India and tells the Indians that Ethiopia has unlimited supply farm land. Meles Zenawi evicts domestic farmers and sells the land to foreign farmers. Aigaforum tells us SNNP has no shortage of farm land, but yet Sheferaw Shigute forcefully evicts out tens of thousands of Amhara farmers from SNNP.  Look Mr. shameless editor of aigaforum, you told us that there is no shortage of farm land, and you also told us that more land will be given with proper guidance and fair allocation. Does your version of proper guidance and fair allocation include the 22 thousand ethnic Amharas who are ordered to live the Bench Maji zone? Does it? If what you said is right, why can’t the Bench Maji zone government resettle the deported Amharas from the areas off-limit to settlement to areas where there is no shortage of farm land [ instead of evicting them and treating them like animals]? Mr. Editor, you seem to be a kind of person who happily lives with shame and guilt. Well, that is your prerogative, but please when you cover the mistake of your masters in Addis Ababa, at least do a good job that gives you a bang for the buck.
One of the most disgusting moments in Zenawi’s month old eviction drama is Shiferaw Shigute’s insensitivity to people’s felling and his quick change of color like a chameleon. Mr. Shiferaw let me ask you – are you a governor as your title suggests, a robot as your action depicts, or are you an idiot as your attitude portrays you?
Your master ordered you to deport ethnic Amaharas from your jurisdiction – you happily took the order and deported 22K Ethiopians.  Idiocy #1
As the deportation gets too much national and international attention, your master tells you to blame the AEUP- you happily took the order and blamed AEUP. Idiocy #2
You used two of Zenawi’s mouthpieces [Civility paltalk room and aigaforum] to deny the very action you took. Idiocy #3  I can keep on saying, but once an idiot. . .  always idiot.
Mr. Shigute how long do you betray your own people? How many times do you lie to yourself and to the people you supposedly claim to lead? In one of your public speeches on ETV, I heard you saying that you are first a Sidama and then and only then an Ethiopian. Good for you Mr. Shiferaw. I have no problem with that as long as we both are Ethiopians. But, how can you be a Sidama before you are Shiferaw; or don’t you think you should first be the individual “Shiferaw” before you are a Sidama? Look Mr. Shiferaw, your real problem is that you are putting the cart before the horse, or letting the tail wag the dog. If you didn’t get it, you are the ‘dog’ and Meles is the “tail”. I’m not sure how old you are, but I’m pretty sure you did not live as “Sheferaw” the last 21 years. My dear fellow country man, you’re possessed by Meles, and it’s funny that it seems your last name “Shigute” is given to you by Meles. He pulls the trigger you scream.
Mr. Shigute, do you know that farmers form Amhara, Sidama, Wolaita, or Kafficho have similar interests and wishes regardless of their ethnic background?  Do you know that north, south, east or west, we are all Ethiopians and we live in the context of each other? Do you know that we are diverse and yet one and many and yet indivisible? Do you really know this? May be you don’t and this alone explains your hollowness.
For the rest of us, this must be the final wake-up call.  Meles and his gangs are in a rush to obliterate the spirit of  “Ethiopiawinet” that they have been pounding ever since they set their dirty foot in our nation’s capital. Meles Zenawi has time and again displayed his hate towards Ethiopia and Ethiopians, but what he’s done the last couple of weeks is just beyond the pale. Deporting innocent Amharas from their land and telling them to go to their own zone is a national tragedy that has shocked our nation to its very core and left most of us trying to understand why and how this awful act of state sponsored terrorism took place in our country.
I wonder what satisfaction a human soul gets when traditions, beliefs, and artifacts are demolished for commercial purposes. I wonder what drives a patriarch who is responsible for the continuity of the church to bond with an evil force that flattens the very foundation of the church. I wonder how fellow Ethiopian can sleep in peace when his written orders make thousands of mothers and children sleepless drifters. For how long do we allow the physical and psychological suffering of our mothers and fathers? How long do we let a mother cry because her son is tortured? How long do we watch a woman cry because her husband is mutilated?  How do we let a child cry because it’s orphaned? How long should an Amahara boy worry because he is born to Amhara parents? How long should a young Oromo choose between servitude and prison? How long should a farmer from Afar choose between giving-up his ancestral land and his life?  How long do we see our sisters go to the Middle East and commit suicide?  How long does a nation tolerate when the physical and mental abuse of an ethnic psychopath crashes a nine month dream of an expecting mother?  Oh Ethiopia for how long?  … How long?

Friday 13 April 2012

አርሶአደሮች ለአባይ ግድብ መዋጮ እንዲያዋጡ በካድሬዎች እየተዋከቡ መሆኑን ገለጡ

ሚያዚያ ፭ (አምስት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም
ኢሳት ዜና:-የባህርዳር ዘጋቢያችን እንደገለጠው በማዳበሪያ እና በምርጥ ዘር እዳ እየተዋከበ የሚገኘው አርሶ አደሩ አሁን ደግሞ ለአባይ ግድብ ማሰሪያ ቦንድ እንዲገዛ በመታዘዙ ምሬቱን ገልጧል። አንድ አርሶ አደር እናደሉት 50 ኪሎ ማዳበሪያ 900 ብር፣ አንድ ኪሎ ምርጥ ዘር ደግሞ እስከ 250 ብር በመሸት ላይ ሲሆን፣ አርሶ አደሩ ይህንን እዳ ከፍሎ ሳይጨርስ በዚህ አንድ ወር ውስጥ ቦንድ እንዲገዛ እዳ ተጥሎበታል ብለዋል።
በክልሉ ውስጥ የሚታየው ችጋር እንኳን ለተጨማሪ ወጪ ኑሮአችንም ለማሸነፍ አላስቻለንም ያሉት አርሶ አደሩ፣ መንግስት ካልራራልን በስተቀር አሁን በሚታየው ችጋር ብዙ ህዝብ ሊጎዳ ይችላል ሲል ስጋታቸውን ገልጠዋል። ከማዳበሪያ ዋጋ መጨመር ባሻገር የፍጆታ እቃዎች መጨመር የገበሬውን ኑሮ አስቻጋሪ እንዳደረገው፣ ገበሬውም በየጊዜው የሚንረውን ኑሮ ለመቆጣጠር ሲል በእህል ላይ ዋጋ ለመጨመር መገደዱን ፣ ይህን በተቃራኒው የከተማውን ኑሮ አስከፊ እንዳደረገው ገልጠዋል።
አቶ መለስ በቅርቡ አርሶ አደሩ የቦንድ ግዢ እንዲፈጽም ለማድረግ እየሰሩ መሆናቸውን መግለጻቸው ይታወሳል።

ክብርት አና ጎሜዝ የስዊድን ጋዜጠኞች እንዳይፈቱ እንቅፋት ሆነዋል ተባለ

ሚያዚያ ፭ (አምስት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም
ኢሳት ዜና:-የስዊድን ጋዜጠኞችን ለማስፈታት የአውሮፓ ህብረት ወደ ኢትዮጵያ የላካቸው ሉዊስ ሚሸል፣ መለስ ዜናዊ ጋዜጠኞችን የማይፈታቸው በክብርት አና ጎሜዝ የተነሳ መሆኑን ለስራ ባልደረቦቻቸው መናገራቸውን ታማኝ የዲፕሎማቲክ ምንጮች ለኢሳት ገልጠዋል። መለስ ዜናዊ ጋዜጠኞችን ለመፍታት ይፈልጋል፣ ነገር ግን በውይይታችን ወቅት ደጋግሞ የሚያነሳው ስለ ወ/ሮ አና ጎሜዝ ነው፤ እንደተረዳሁት ለጋዜጠኞቹ መፈታት እንቅፋት የሆነችው አና ጎሜዝ ናት በማለት መናገራቸው ታውቋል።
የመለስ ወዳጅ እንደሆኑ የሚነገርላቸው የአውሮፓ ፓርላማ አባሉ ሉዊስ ሚቸል ፣ ከሁለት ወራት በፊት ወደ ኢትዮጵያ በመሄድ ከመለስ ዜናዊ ጋር መነጋገራቸው እንዲሁም በቃሊቲ የሚገኙ ጋዜጠኞችን መጎብኘታቸው የሚታወስ ሲሆን፣ ከጉብኝታቸው በሁዋላም ጋዜጠኞቹ በሳምንታት ውስጥ በይቅርታ እንደሚፈቱ ገልጠዋል። ይሁን እንጅ የእርሳቸው መግለጫ በተሰጠ በማግስቱ አቶ በረከት ጋዜጠኞቹ እንደማይፈቱ ግልጽ ማድረጋቸው ይታወሳል። ሉዊስ ሚቸል ለጋዜጠኞች አለመፈታት ምክንያቱ መለስ ራሳቸው ናቸው ከማለት አና ጎሜዝ ናቸው ማለታቸው ብዙ ዲፐሎማቶችን ማስገረሙም ታውቛል። የስዊድን መንግስት በሉዊስ ሚቸል የዲፐሎማሲ እንቅስቃሴ ላይ ከፍተኛ የሆነ አመኔታ ጥሎ እንደነበር ታውቋል።

People of Ethiopia have the rights to live in all parts of Ethiopia (OLF press release)

Eviction of innocent peoples from their home is a crime against humanity

Oromo Liberation Front, Press Release
People of Ethiopia have the rights to live in all parts of EthiopiaThe Oromo Liberation front strongly believes that any members of nations, nationalities, and people of Ethiopia have the inalienable rights to live in all parts of Ethiopia without any fear of eviction or expulsion.
The Oromo Liberation front advocates that in Ethiopia, governed by true federal system all Ethiopian citizens have inviolable constitutional rights to live in any federal states in Ethiopia. The Oromo Liberation Front strongly condemns the current eviction of innocent children, women, and elders of Amhara ethnic members from Southern nations, nationalities and peoples’ region by TPLF agents.
This wayyane’s secret and coded arrangements expulsion of innocent people is intended solely to extend their economic and political power by sowing the seeds of hate and fear amongst Ethiopian population must be condemned and exposed. Committing egregious crimes against Ethiopian people has been the actions of TPLF since it took the power in Ethiopia. Ethnic cleansing against Anuak people in Gambela; mass eviction & killing in ogaden, Afars, Sidama and oromia regions; Wayyanne instigated conflict between Gumize people and Oromo in Western Oromia which costs the lives of more than 500 people; wayyanee’s continuous interference in religion affairs and its sinister motive to start conflict between Christian and Muslim Ethiopians who have been living together peacefully for century. These are the few crimes committed by TPLF regime should be remembered when we talk about wayyane’s evil action against any member of Ethiopian society
The Oromo Liberation Front believes the current eviction of Ahamara people from the place they have lived for many years is not the wish of southern nations and nationalities, but it’s the evil plan of TPLF to create chaos and enmity among Ethiopia peoples.
The Eviction of innocent children, women and elders from the place they were born, grew up and build families because of their ethnicity is not only unacceptable crime against humanity, but it is the most evil action one should not tolerate in the 21st Century.
The Oromo liberation front holds TPLF regime responsible for all inhuman, social unrest and cruelty of its sinister action against Ethiopian people. For this reason wayyanne regime should be condemned by all peace loving people around the world.
The motive behind the wayyanne regime’s eviction of the Amahara people from the place they have lived, which they have the rights to live in, is wayyanne’s long plan to create enmity amongst Ethiopia people, and while the Ethiopian people fight among themselves, TPLF plans to stay in power for ever.
Therefore, this evil plan should be exposed and all Ethiopian nations and nationalities should work together to remove Wayyanne regime from power.
OLF Chairman
G.Kemal Gelchu

Thursday 12 April 2012

በደባርቅ ወረዳ የስራ ማቆም አድማ ያደረጉ 9 መምህራን ደሞዛቸውን ተቀጡ

ሚያዚያ ፬ (አራት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም
ኢሳት ዜና:-ስማቸው እንዳይጠቀስ የፈለጉ መምህራን እንደተናገሩት መንግስት የደሞዝ ጭማሪ እንዲያደርግ ለማስገደድ የስራ ማቆም አድማ አድርገው እንደነበረ አስታውሰው፣ ይሁን እንጅ  ከዚያን ጊዜ ጀምሮ መንግስት የበቀል እርምጃ እየወሰደባቸው ነው። እርምጃ ከተወሰደባቸው መካከል መምህርት ሀያት ሙሀመድ፣ መምህር ግርማ ሀይሌ፣ ደገፋው ዘላለም፣ አገር በለው ፣ ደስታ ገብረ እግዚአብሄር፣ አየለ መልካሙ እና ሌሎች ሶስት መምህራን የወር ደሞዛቸውን ተቀጥተዋል።
ሰሞኑን የወረዳው ባለስልጣናት መምህራንን ሰብስበው የተደረገው የደሞዝ ጭማሪ  ያረካል አያረካም በማለት ቢጠይቁም መምህራን ግን ምላሽ ከመስጠት ተቆጥበዋል። መምህር ደስታው ገብረ እግዚአብሄር ብቻ ” እኛ ተናግረን ያተረፍነው ነገር ምንድነው? እኛ የጠየቅነው የመብት ጥያቄ ሆኖ እያለ ደሞዛችንን ተቀጣን። ስለዚህ ብንናገር ባንናገር ትርፉ ራስን መጉዳት ነው በማለት።” ተናግረዋል።
ከፍተኛ ውጥረት በታየበት ስብሰባ አንዲት የኢህአዴግ ካድሬ መምህር ” የተደረገው የደሞዝ ጭማሪ አርኪ በመሆኑ ጭማሪው ለአባይ ግድብ ማሰሪያ ይዋልልን በማለት በመናገሩዋ።” ከፍተኛ ተቃውሞ ገጥሟታል። በደሞዝ ጭማሪው ላይ አስተያየት አንሰጥም ያሉት መምህራን ጥያቄያቸውን ወደ ዋልድባ ገዳም አዙረው እንደነበር ታውቋል።
በአዲስ አበባ የሚገኙ መምህራን አሁንም ተቃውሞአቸውን ለማሰማት ውስጥ ለውስጥ በመነጋገር ላይ መሆናቸውን ለኢሳት የደረሰው መረጃ ያመለክታል። መምህራን መንግስት ያደረገው የደሞዝ ጭማሪ ፤ በመምህሩ የስራ ሞራል ላይ ከፍተና ውድቀት እንዳስከተለም መምህራን በመናገር ላይ ናቸው።

የአማራ ተወላጆች ከቤንች ማጂ ዞን እንዲወጡ ማዘዛቸው ኢህአዴግ ደቡቡንና አማራውን ለማጋጨት የቀየሰው ሴራ ነው ተባለ

ሚያዚያ ፬ (አራት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም
ኢሳት ዜና:-አቶ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ የአማራ ተወላጆች ከቤንች ማጂ ዞን እንዲወጡ ማዘዛቸው ኢህአዴግ ደቡቡንና አማራውን ለማጋጨት የቀየሰው ሴራ ነው ሲሉ የአንድነት ፓርቲ የደቡብ ተወካይ ገለጡ
የአንድነት ፓርቲ የምክር ቤት አባልና የደቡብ ተወካይ የሆኑት አቶ ዳንኤል ሺበሺ ለኢሳት እንደተናገሩት በአቶ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ የተጻፈው መመሪያ አንድን ብሄር ነጥሎ ለማጥቃት ያለመ ነው
ኢህአዴግ ከዚህ ቀደም ሲያደርግ እንደነበረው ሁሉ የአሁኑ እርምጃውም ደቡቡን ከአማራው ህዝብ ጋር ለማጋጨት የቀየሰው ሴራ ነው። የዚህ ሁሉ ችግር መነሻው ኢህአዴግ የሚከተለው የብሄር ፖለቲካ መሆኑን አቶ ዳንኤል አስምረውበታል ።
ሰፋሪዎች ስርአቱን ተከትለው አልሰፈሩም ከተባለ ለምን አስቀድሞ ለመከላከል አልተሞከረም ሲሉ የሚጠይቁት አቶ ዳንኤል ፣ ሰዎች ቋሚ ንብረት ካፈሩና ቤተሰብ ከመሰረቱ በሁዋላ እየተደበደቡ ከክልሉ እንዲወጡ የተደረገው አሰራር አሳዛኝ ነው
በቅርቡ የደቡብ ክልል ፕሬዚዳንት አቶ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ ከክልሉ የተባረሩት ሰዎች በቁጥር 800 የአማራ ተወላጆች ብቻ ናቸው በማለት ለሰጡት አስተያየት ደግሞ አቶ ዳንኤል የሚከተለውን ብለዋል
በክልሉ ከማዳበሪያ እዳ እና ከፍትህ እጦት ጋር በተያያዘ በርካታ ሰዎች ራሳቸውን እያጠፉ ነው እየተባለ ነው፣ ይህንንስ ድርጅታችሁ ያውቃል ወይ ተብለው የተጠየቁት አቶ ዳንኤል ፣ ማዳበሪያ በክልሉ ትልቅ አደጋ እያመጣ መሆኑን ገልጠዋል
በዳውሮ ዞን አቶ አባተ አየለ የተባሉት  ሰው ፍትህ ካልተሰጠኝ ራሳቸውን ከዛፍ ላይ ፈጥፍጠው እንደሚገድሉ በመዛታቸው ከመንግስት ባለስልጣናት በተደረገላቸው ድለላ ከዛፍ ላይ እንዲወርዱ መደረጉን መዘገባችን ይታወሳል።

Top PEN Prize to Honor Eskinder Nega, Jailed Ethiopian Journalist and Blogger

April 12, 2012: 
April 12, 2012: <BR>Top PEN Prize to Honor Eskinder Nega, Jailed Ethiopian Journalist and Blogger
Leading Free Expression Advocate on Trial for Terrorism


For more information contact:
Larry Siems, (212) 334-1660 ext. 105, (646) 359-0594 (cell)
Sarah Hoffman, (212) 334-1660 ext. 111, (201) 874-9849 (cell)

New York City, April 12, 2012—
PEN American Center today named Eskinder Nega, a journalist and dissident blogger in Ethiopia, as the recipient of its 2012 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award. Nega, a leading advocate for press freedom and freedom of expression in Ethiopia, was arrested on September 14, 2011, and is currently being tried under the country’s sweeping anti-terror legislation, which criminalizes any reporting deemed to “encourage” or “provide moral support” to groups and causes which the government considers to be “terrorist.” He could face the death penalty if convicted.

The award, which honors international writers who have been persecuted or imprisoned for exercising or defending the right to freedom of expression, will be presented at PEN’s Annual Gala on May 1, 2012, at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

“The Ethiopian writer Eskinder Nega is that bravest and most admirable of writers, one who picked up his pen to write things that he knew would surely put him at grave risk,” said Peter Godwin, president of PEN American Center. “Yet he did so nonetheless. And indeed he fell victim to exactly the measures he was highlighting, Ethiopia's draconian ‘'anti terrorism’ laws that criminalize critical commentary. This is at least the seventh time that the government of Meles Zenawi has detained Eskinder Nega in an effort to muzzle him. Yet Nega has continued his spirited pursuit of freedom of expression. Such humbling courage makes Nega a hugely deserving recipient of the PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award.”

Eskinder Nega has been publishing articles critical of the government since 1993, when he opened his first newspaper, Ethiopis, which was soon shut down by authorities. He was the general manager of Serkalem Publishing House, which published the newspapers Asqual, Satenaw, and Menelik, all of which are now banned in Ethiopia. He has also been a columnist for the monthly magazine Change and for the U.S.-based news forum EthioMedia, which are also banned. He has been detained at least seven times under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, including in 2005, when he and his journalist wife Serkalem Fasil were imprisoned for 17 months on treason charges for their critical reporting on the government’s violent crackdown of protests following disputed elections, and briefly in February 2011 for “attempts to incite Egyptian and Tunisian-like protests in Ethiopia” after he published articles on the Arab Spring. Their newspapers have been shut down and Nega has been denied a license to practice journalism since 2005, yet he has continued to publish columns critical of the government’s human rights record and calling for an end to political repression and corruption.

Nega was again arrested on September 14, 2011, after he published a column questioning the government’s claim that a number of journalists it had detained were suspected terrorists, and for criticizing the arrest of well-known Ethiopian actor and government critic Debebe Eshetu on terror charges earlier that week. Shortly after his arrest, Nega was charged with affiliation with the banned political party Ginbot 7, which the Ethiopian government considers a terrorist organization. On November 10, Nega was charged and further accused of plotting with and receiving weapons and explosives from neighboring Eritrea to carry out terrorist attacks in Ethiopia. State television portrayed Nega and other political prisoners as “spies for foreign forces.” He is currently being held in Maekelawi Prison in Addis Ababa, where detainees are reportedly often ill-treated and tortured.

PEN, Human Rights Watch, the Committee to Protect Journalists, and many other international organizations have long been concerned about Ethiopia’s use of anti-terrorism legislation to justify the jailing of journalists and members of the political opposition. Eskinder Nega’s trial on charges under the 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which covers the “planning preparation, conspiracy, incitement, and attempt” of terrorist acts, illustrates this trend. During his trial, which opened on March 6, 2012, the prosecution has presented evidence that consisted of nearly inaudible recordings of telephone conversations and other comments and a video of a town hall meeting in which Nega discusses the differences between Arab countries and Ethiopia. Nega took the stand on March 28 and denied all charges against him, saying he has never conspired to overthrow the government through violence and admitting only to reporting on the Arab Spring and speculating on whether a similar movement could take place in Ethiopia. Serkalem Fasil, who was the recipient of the 2007 Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation, maintained that her husband is “a journalist, not a member of a political party.”

In announcing the award today in New York, Freedom to Write Program Director Larry Siems praised Eskinder Nega’s “courageous use of the written word to advocate on behalf of his fellow journalists and citizens.”

“Nega’s critiques of the Zenawi government go back two decades, and in recent years he has written fearlessly about the need for peaceful democratic transition and about the fate of other journalists unjustly silenced under the pretense of fighting terrorism,” Siems said. “Now as he faces the same fate, in no small part because he spoke out on their behalf, he continues to press for freedom of expression from behind bars. He is truly an extraordinary individual and we are proud to be able to award him this honor.”

Siems joined Godwin in urging the Obama administration to press Ethiopian authorities to halt the use of anti-terror legislation to target journalists for their legitimate work and release Eskinder Nega, one of the most visible symbols of the Ethiopian government’s persistent press freedom violations, and all other journalists jailed under national security laws in violation of their right to freedom of expression.

Writer, historian and PEN Member Barbara Goldsmith underwrites the PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award. This is the 26th year the award has honored an international literary figure who has been persecuted or imprisoned for exercising or defending the right to freedom of expression. Candidates are nominated by PEN International and any of its 145 constituent PEN centers around the world, and screened by PEN American Center and an Advisory Board comprising some of the most distinguished experts in the field. The Advisory Board for the PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award includes Carroll Bogert, Deputy Executive Director for External Relations at Human Rights Watch; Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation; Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, International Vice President of PEN International and PEN American Center Trustee; Aryeh Neier, former president of the Open Society Foundation; and Joel Simon, Executive Director of the Committee to Protect Journalists.

The Freedom to Write Award is an extension of PEN’s year-round advocacy on behalf of the more than 900 writers and journalists who are currently threatened or in prison. Forty-six women and men have received the award since 1987; 33 of the 37 honorees who were in prison at the time they were honored were subsequently released.

PEN American Center is the largest of the 145 centers of PEN International, the world’s oldest human rights organization and the oldest international literary organization. The Freedom to Write Program of PEN American Center works to protect the freedom of the written word wherever it is imperiled. It defends writers and journalists from all over the world who are imprisoned, threatened, persecuted, or attacked in the course of carrying out their profession. For more information on PEN’s work, please visit www.pen.org

Mengistu’s future uncertain in Zimbabwe

Filed under FEATURED, NEWS
Former Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam, who oversaw the murder of several thousands of his countrymen during  the “Red Terror” campaign could be living on the edge in Zimbabwe as his future after the demise of his friend President Mugabe is uncertain.
Mengitsu also known as “Butcher of Addis” has lived in the Southern Africa country for the past two decades as a special guest of his close friend -Mugabe.
He fled his country in 1991 to settle in Harare as the Tigre People’s Liberation Front and the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front surrounded Addis Ababa.
At the time, the United States asked Mugabe to accept Mengistu to end the bloodshed.
A few years ago Mengistu was relocated from his Harare villa to a prime farm seized by Zanu (PF) in the rich Mazowe Valley.
His public appearances have been next to nil.
In 2006, the then opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) angered Zanu PF when it hinted that it would withdraw the protection afforded by Mugabe’s government and extradite him to Ethiopia. Nelson Chamisa, who was MDC’s chief spokesman said the ex leader’s extradition to Ethiopia would be “high on the agenda” of the new administration.
Mengistu, 74, has had his fair share of troubles in Zimbabwe.
It is claimed that he once advised Mugabe on security matters and according to reports, he proposed the idea of clearing slums, which was implemented as Operation Murambatsvina  or Operation Get rid of the filth in 2005, and chaired meetings at which the operation was planned.
Mengitsu is said to have warned Mugabe that the swelling slum and backyard population in Zimbabwe was creating a fertile ground for a mass uprising.
The United Nations later estimated that more than 700 000 people had been left homeless in the move.
And while Mugabe’s then administration had made light attempts to squash the reports giving credence that Megistu played a key role, diplomatic relations between the man who toppled Mengistu- Meles Zenawi and the coalition administration is not clear.
Now Mugabe is in poor health and speculation is that if he dies Mengistu could be in trouble.
However, Zimbabwe media has over the years widely reported on arrest and torture of Ethiopian refugees passing through the country on their way to South Africa.
An official and the Foreign Affairs ministry told The Africa Report that Mengistu and his government played a pivotal role during and after the liberation struggle and extraditing him “would be a betrayal”.
But civic society has a firm view on Mengistu, they want him out of Zimbabwe dead or alive.
“The nature of his departure, whether dead or alive is not critical. He should just leave Zimbabwe” Albertina Moyo said.
He added that apart from liberation history, little is known of the two countries in terms of bilateral trade.
Darlington Musanu said “If it was a collective decision, he may continue to be in Zimbabwe but if it was an individual one by Mugabe which is very likely he may go as soon as the man dies”.
He added another dimension: If a Zanu PF member takes over as president chances of him (Mengistu) being deported are slim.
Zanu PF people tend to follow set procedures.
But if a new leader is from MDC-T certainly they will send him straight to The Hague.

የኬንያው ምክትል አፈጉባኤ በኢትዮጵያው አምባሳደር ላይ ተሳለቁ

ሚያዚያ ፫ (ሦስት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም

ኢሳት ዜና:-ፋራህ ማሊም የተባሉት የኬንያ ፓርላማ ምክትል አፈጉባኤ ምጸታዊ ጽሁፋቸውን ያሰፈሩት በኬንያው ስታንዳርድ ጋዜጣ ላይ ነው። አፈ ጉበኤ ፋራህ ለትችታቸው መነሻ የሆናቸውም በኬንያ የኢትዮጵያ አምባሳደር የሆኑት ሸምሰዲን ሮቤል እርሳቸው የሰጡትን ቃለምልልስ የሚተች ጽሁፍ በማውጣታቸው ነው።

ምክትል አፈ ጉባኤው በጽሁፋቸው ” ኬንያ በአካባቢው ጠንካራ የሆነ ዲሞክራሲ ያላት አገር ስትሆን ኢትዮጵያ ደግሞ ተቃራኒውን ናት ” ካሉ በሁዋላ በኬንያ ጠቅላይ ሚኒሰትሩም ይሁን ፕሬዚዳንቱ ወይም ሌላ ባለስልጣን ለሚሰራው ስራ ተጠያቂ ሲሆን ፣ በኢትዮጵያ ግን እንዲህ አይነቱ ነገር ፈጽሞ የሚታሰብ አይደለም” ብለዋል።

አፈጉባኤው አያይዘውም ” የኢትዮጵያው አምባሳደር ከአምባገነን አገዛዝ የመጡ በመሆናቸው የነጻ ዲሞክራሲ አሰራር ባይገባቸው አይገርም ” ብለዋል።

በኬንያ ሃሳብን በነጻነት መግለጽ ይቻላል፣ በኢትዮጵያ ግን ሀሳባቸውን በነጻነት የሚገልጹት መጨረሻቸው መቃብር፣ ስደት ወይም እስር ቤት ይሆናል ያሉት አፈ ጉባኤው፣ ወደ ኬንያ የሚጎርፉት ስደተኞች በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለውን ጨቋኝ ስርአት ለመሸሽ ብለው እንደሚያደርጉት ገልጠዋል። ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያ ከአማራ . ከትግራይና ከደቡብ በስተቀር ሁሉም ብሄረሰቦች ነጻ አውጭ እንዳላቸው ያስታወሱት አፈ ጉባኤው ፣ በአዲስ አበባ ያለው መንግስት ለውይይት በር መክፈት እንዳለበት አስገንዝበዋል።

አምባሳደሩ ንግግሮችን በትክክል ለማዳመጥ ባለመቻላቸው ይቅርታ አደርግላቸዋለሁ ያሉት አፈጉባኤ ፋራህ፣ የኬንያ ጦር ሶማሊያን ለቆ መውጣት እንዳለበት ያቀረቡት አስተያየትን አምባሳደሩ አዛብተው እንደተረዱት ገልጠዋል።

የሰሜን ሱዳን ፓርላማ አገሪቱ ደቡብ ሱዳንን ለመውጋት ሙሉ ዝግጅት እንድታደርግ ወሰነ

ሚያዚያ ፫ (ሦስት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም

ኢሳት ዜና:-የሰሜን ሱዳን ፓርላማ አገሪቱ ደቡብ ሱዳንን ለመውጋት ሙሉ ዝግጅት እንድታደርግ ወሰነ የኢትዮጵያ ጦር እጣ ፋንታ አልታወቀም

ደቡብ ሱዳን ሰሞኑን ሄግሊግ እየተባለ የሚጠራውን ዋነኛ የነዳጅ ጉድጓዶችን ከሰሜን ሱዳን ማስለቀቁዋን፣ የሱዳን መንግስት ጦርም  ተሽንፎ አካባቢውን መልቀቁን የመገናኛ ብዙሀን ሲዘገቡ ሰንብተዋል።

የሱዳን የመካላከያ ሚኒስትር የሆኑት አብደል ራሂም ሁሴን ለፓርላማው ያቀረቡትን ሪፖርት ተከትሎ ነው አገሪቱ ለሙሉ ጦርነት እንድትዘጋጅ ውሳኔ የተላለፈው። ፓርላመው በአፍሪካ ህብረት አደራዳሪነት በአዲስ አበባ ሊካሄድ ታቅዶ የነበረው የሰላም ድርድርም እንዲቋረጥ ወስኖአል።

በሁለቱ አገሮች የሰላም ማስጠበቅ ተልእኮ የተሰጠው የኢትዮጵያ ጦር ሁለቱ አገሮች ወደ ጦርነት ሲያመሩ ምንም አይነት እርምጃ አለመውሰዱ የተባበሩት መንግስታትን ግራ አጋብቷል። ከዲፕሎማቶች ያገኘነው መረጃ እንደሚያሳየው በወር 10 ሺ ዶላር ገደማ የሚከፈላቸው የህወሀት ጄኔራሎች በሁለቱ አገሮች መካከል የተፈጠረውን ችግር ለተመድ ባለስልጣናት በበቂ ሁኔታ ሊያስረዱ አልቻሉም። በህወሀት ጄኔራሎቹ ውስጥ የሚታየው የቋንቋ እጥረት እንዲሁም አብዛኞቹ በቅርቡ ጡረታ መውጣታቸው የማይቀር መሆኑን አውቀው በንግድ ስራ ላይ መሰማራታቸው የተመድ ባለስልጣናትን ማበሳጨቱን ዲፐሎማቱ ለኢሳት ገልጠዋል።

ሁለቱ አገሮች ወደ ጦርነት ከገቡ የኢትዮጵያ ጦር  ሱዳንን ውስጥ የትኛውን ሰላም ለመጠበቅ ይቆያል በማለት ጥያቄ ያቀረቡት ዲፐሎማቱ ምናልባትም የሰሜን ሱዳን መንግስት የኢትዮጵያ ጦር አገሪቱን ለቆ እንዲወጣ ሊጠይቅ ይችላል  ሲሉ አስተያየታቸውን አክለዋል።

ለኢሳት የደረሰው መረጃ እንደሚያመለክተው ደግሞ በሱዳን የሚገኙት 200 መቶ ወታደራዊ ታዛቢዎችና ወታደራዊ አዛዞች በቀን 130 ዶላር ይከፈላቸዋል። 4 ሺ የሚሆኑት  ወታደሮች በአንጻሩ ከተባባሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት ምንም አይነት ክፍያ አያገኙም። እንደመረጃዎች ከሆነ በአቤይ ግዛት የሚገኙት 200 ወታደራዊ ባለስልጣናት 98 በመቶው  የህወሀት አባላት እና የአንድ ብሄር ተወላጆች ናቸው።

አማራው ተማሯል፣ አማሯል፣ ግን አምርሯል?

ደመቀ ታዬ
  በዚህ አራስት  አጭር አስተያየት  ለመስጠት  ያነሳሳኝ  ሰሞኑን  አማሮች ናችሁና  ከአገራችን ውጡ፣ ወደ አገራችሁ ሂዱ ተብለው የተባሩት  ኢትዮጵያውያን ጉዳይ ነው። አነዚህ ሰዎች ወይም ኢትዮጵያውያን  መባረራቸው ብቻ ሳይሆን የተባረሩትበት መንገድ ወይም ዘዴ አጂግ የሚዘገንን ነው። ውጡ ሲባሉ አቃቸውን የመሰብሰቢያ፣ የሚሸጠውን የመሸጫ፣ የሚጓዙበትን መንገድ የማዘጋጃ፣ ጎረቤቶቻቸውን የሚሰናበቱበት ጊዜ  አልተሰጣቸውም። አንዳንዶቹ  ውጡ በተባሉበት ወቅት የወለዱ ሚስቶቻቸውን ጥለው አንዲለቁ ተደርገዋል፣ ሕጻናት  ትምህርታቸውን አቋርጠው አንዲነሱ ተደርጓል። ግፋቸው አንዳይታይና አንዳይሰማ ከፍተኛ ጥረት ተደርጓል። ይህን ሰቅጣጭ ድርጊት የጠነጠኑት፣ በተግባር ያዋሉትና ያስዋሉት  ይህን ያክል ወንጀል ሲፈጽሙ በድብቅ ለማካሄድ የሚችሉ መስሏቸው በአሜሪካ ድምጽ ራዲዮ ተጋልጠዋል።ከዚሁ ጋር ተያይዞ ደግሞ በጣም የሚገርመውና የሚያሳዝነው ነገር በአንድ በኩል ስዎችን አያሰቃዩና አያባረሩ በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ አላየነም፣ አልሰማነም በማለት አርሳቸውን ከማታለል የማያልፍ ምጉት መሰንዘራቸው ነው። አቶ ታመነ ተሰማ የተባሉት ባለሥልጣን የተባረሩትን ሰዎች  ጫጫታና ለቅሶ አቶ አዲሱ አበበ አያሰማቸው ጋዜጠኞች ያቀረቡትን ሁሉ ማመን የለብንም፣ ችግር ያጋጠማቸው ሰዎች አሉ ስለተባለ ጉዳዩን ለማጥናት ሰዎች ልከናል ወዘተ ማለታቸው ያጋለጠውና ያሳፈረው አቶ  ታመነ ተሰማን አንደሆነ የተገነቡት አይመስለኝም:: ባጭሩ አቶ  ታመነና አጋሮቻቸው  በ21ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን የሚኖሩ አይመስሉም።
ከዚህ በላይ በተመለከተው መንገድ ወጡ ቢባልም መውጣት ነበረባቸው ወይም አልነበረባቸውም  የሚለው አብይ ጥያቄ  አልተነካም። አንዚህ ሰዎች አንዲወጡ የተደረገበት ምክኒያት አማራዎች በመሆናቸው ብቻ ነው። ውጡ የተባሉትም ከአንዱ  የኢትዮጵያ ክፍለ-ሃገር  ሲሆን  ሂዱ የተባሉትም  ወድሌላው የአገሪቱ ክፍለ-ሃገር ነው። ውጡ  ወደተባሉበት አካባቢ የሄዱትም ማንኛውም የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል ለሁሉም ክፍት ነው በማለት ነው ።አነዚህ ውጡ የተባሉ ሰዎች ወደባተረሩበት አካባቢ የሄዱት በወራሪነት ተሰልፈው፣ መሳሪያ  ወልውለውና ታጥቀው አይደለም። የሄዱት ኑሯችሁን ታሻሽላላችሁ ተብለው  ከአንዱ የአገራቸው ክፍል ወደሌላው ነው። ይህ ደግሞ የአንድ አገር ዜጎች መሠረታዊ መብት ነው። አነዚህ  የተባረሩ ሰዎች የተባረሩበት አካባቢ  በውጭ ጠላት ተወረረ ቢባል ጥቃቱን ለመከላከል ግዴታ  አልባችሁ ይባሉ ይሆን? ወይም በሌላ አንጋገር አቶ ሺፈራው  ሸጉጤና ተከታዮቻቸው ሌላው የኢትዮጵያ ክፍለ በጠላት ተወረረ ቢባል የአገርን ዳር-ደንበርና ሏላዊነትን ለማስከበር ይሰለፉ ይሆን?።
አቶ ሺፈራው ሸጉጢና ተከታዮቻቸው በአቶ ኃይለማሪያም ደሳለኝ መሾምና በሌሎችም ምክኒያቶች በሥልጣን  የሰከሩና አርሳቸው የዞረ ይመስላል። ሰዎች መጠጥ አንድሚያሰክርና  አርስ አንደሚያዞረ ያውቃሉ፣ ግን ከሁሉም በላይ የሚያሰክረውና አርስ የሚያዞረው  ሥልጣን  መሆኑን በውል የተገነዘቡ አይመስልም።በሥልጣን በመታወራቸው ምክኒያት በብዙ ሺህ የሚቆጠሩ አማሮችንና አማርኛ ተናጋሪዎችን በድብቅ ጠራርጎ ለማስወጣት ማቀድና መሞከር የሚያመለክተው አንድም በሥልጣን መታወርን፣ አልበለዚያም ያለንበትን 21ኛ ዘመን በቅጡ አለመረዳትን ነው። ከመሠራታዊዉ የዜጎች መብት አንጻር ሲናየው ድርጊቱ ጥፋት ብቻ ሳይሆን ወንጀል መሆኑን የሕግ ምሁሩና በሩዋንዳ  አልቂት ጠበቃ የነበሩት ፕሮፈሰር ያአቆብ ኃይለማሪያም በማያሻማ መንገድ አስረድተውናል።ድርጊቱ በዓለም ሕግ ተቀባይነት የሌለው፣ በኢትዮጵያ ሕገ-መንግሥትም የማይፈቀድ መሆኑ ተመልክቷል። ግን ይህ ድርጊት የኢትዮጵያ ሕገ-መንግሥት ዓለምን ለማታለል የተጻፈ አንጂ በሥራ ላይ የማይውል መሆኑ በድጋሚ  የተረጋገጠብት  ነው።
የአማራው ሕዝብ  የኢትዮጵያን ሏላዊነት፣ ዳር-ደንበርና፣ ነጻነት በማስከበር ረገድ ከፍተኛ አስተዋጽኦ አድርጓል፣ በዚህም ምክኒያት በውጭና በውስጥ የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶች ዘንድ ጥርስ ተነክሶበት ኑሯል። በዚች አጭር ጽሑፍ የኢትዮጵያን የውስጥና የውጭ ጠላቶች ዓይነትና ድርጊት መዘርዘር አይቃጣም፣ ግን በተማሪዎች ንቅናቄ ወቅት በአማራው ላይ የተካሄዱትን ዘመቻዎች አጠር አድርጎ መዳሰሱ አቋራች ወይም አማራጭ የማይገኝለት ጉዳይ ነው።በተማሪዎች ንቅናቄ ወቅት የብሔረ-ሰቦች መብትና የአምራው ገዢነት የማይታለፉ የአብዮተኝነት መለኪያዎች ነበሩ። አማራው ተማሪ ከገዢው መደብ የመጣህ ነህ ተብሎ አንዳይፈረጅ በመስጋቱ አብዮተኛነቱን ለማስመስከር ከሁሉም በላይ አብዮተኛ  ሆኖ መገኘት ተገዶ ነበር። ቀደም ሲል ዋለልኝ መኮነን አሁን ደግሞ አንድሪያስ አሸቴና መሰሎቹ በምሳሌ የሚጠቀሱ ናቸው።
የኢትዮጵያ አብዮት ተቀጣጥሎ ተማሪዎች ወደ ገጠር በዘመቱበት ወቅት ብዙ አሳዛኝና አስቂኝ ሥራዎች ተከስተዋል። በአንድ ወቅት አኔ ራሴ አዋሳ አካባቢ በሚገኝ የገበሬ ማሕበር ተገኝቼ ነበር። የሄድሁት ከክፍለ-ሀገሩ አስተዳዳሪ ጋር ሲሆን ዓላምችንም የመሬት ክፍፍልን  ለመመልከት ነበር።በአንድ የገበሬ ማሕበር ውስጥ አንድ ገበሬ ከበርቴ ተብሎ ተከሶ ቀረበ። ነገሩ ሲጣራ የተከሰሰው ገበሬ የነበረው አንድ ጥንድ በሬ፣ በጥንድ በሬ የሚያርሰው አርሻ፣ አንድ የሳር ቤት፣ በቤቱ ውስጥ በተሰቀለና ጢስ በጠገበ ገመድ ላይ የተሰቀሉ ሁለት የደረቁና ጢስ የጠገቡ ቋንጣዎች፣ ቤቱ ለሰውና ለቤት ከብቶች የተከፈለ ነበር።ገበሬው ከበርቴ ነው ተብሎ የተፈረጀው በመጀመሪያ አማራ ተብሎ በመፈረጁ ነበር። ከሳሾቹ ዘማች ተማሪዎች በአብዛኛው አማራዎች ነበሩ። አኛ ተመሳሳይ ገበሬዎች አንዳሉ ነገሩ ይጣራ ብለን ብንመለስም አማራው ገበሬ ታስሮ ንብረቱ አንደተወረሰ ሰማን። ያ ድሃ ገበሬና ቤተሰቡ በዚህ መንገድ ተበታትነው የደረሱበት ሳይታወቅ  ቀረ። ይህን ክስ ያቀረቡትና ለገበሬው መታሰርና ንብረት መዘረፍ በጥብቅና የቆሙት አብዛኛዎቹ አማራዎች ነበሩ።ይህን ሳስታውስና አነ አንድሪያስ አሸቴ የሚያደርጉትን ስመለከት አማራው ተማሯል፣ አማሯል ግን በውነት አምርሯል? የሚለው ጥያቄ ያስጨንቀዋል።
በቅርቡ በደቡብ ክፍለ-ሃገር በተከሰተው አማሮችን የማባረር ተግባር አንጀቱ ያረረ ወጣት አማራ የሚባል የለም አትበሉን አማራ አየተባሉ የሚባረሩ አሉና፣ አማራ የሚባል የኢትዮጵያ ክፍለ-ሃገር  የሉም አትበሉን አማራ አየተባሉ አማራ ወደሚባለው ቦታ የሚባረሩ አሉና ሲል አስጨናቂ ጥያቄዎች አቅርቧል።ወጣቱ የሚለን  አማራ የሚባል ጎሳ አለ፣ አማራ አየተባለ የሚጠራ  ክልል አለ፣ ስለዚህ ተባብረን መብታችንን አናስከብር ነው። ወጣቱን የሚያንገበግበው ንዴት ይገባኛል፣ የአማራው መብትም መጠበቅ አንዳለበት ሙሉ በሙሉ አስማማለሁ። አማራ ማነው በሚለው ላይ ግን ችግር አለኝ። አማራ የሚለው ቃል የሚገልጸው በባህል ተመሳሳይ የሆኑትን ሁሉ አንጂ በደም አንድ የሆኑ ማለት አይደለም።ስለዚህ ለአማራው መብት አንታገል ስንል ለሁሉም ኢትዮጵያውያን አንታገል ማለታችን መሆን አለበት። በዚህ መርህ ከተሰለፍና ከታገልን ትግላችን የሚያነጣጥረው በነጻነት ገፋፊዎች አማሮችና በሌሎች ተመሳሳይ ቡድኖች ላይ ይሆናል፣ መሆንም አልበት።ዓላማችን የሁሉም ኢትዮጵያውያን የዜግነት መብቶች አንዲከበሩ መሆን አልበት።
አቶ መለስ ኢትዮጵያን በአጠቃላይና አማራን በተለይ ቢጠላ አይፈረድበትም፣ ምክኒያቱም በአናቱ የጥቂት ኤርትርውያንን ጥላቻ ባባቱ ደግሞ የጥቂት ትግሬዎችን ጥላቻ ሲጋት ያደገና ለብልግናው ተወዳዳሪ የሌለው ሰው ነው። በአንድ ወቅት ፕሮፈሰር መስፍን ወልደማሪያም አንድ ኤርትራዊ አዛውንት ጋር ሲወያዩ የሚከተለውን ጥያቄ ጠይቀው ነበር።ኤርትራ ለኢትዮጵያ ነጻነት፣ ሏላዊነት፣ አንድነት ወዘት ብዙ ጀግኖችን ያፈራች ናት። ወጣቱ የኤርትራ  ትውልድ ኢትዮጵያን የመጥላት አባዜ ከየት አመጣው ብለው አዛውንቱን ጠይቃዋቸው ነበር?  ኤርትራዊ ሽማግሌ የሚከተለውን መለሱ። ወጣቱ ጥላቻን የተማረው አኛ አዋቂዎች በየቤታችን በየጊዜው ስናማ በመስማቱ ነው ብለው ነበር። መለስ በናቱም ሆነ ባባቱ ሲኮተኮት ያደገው ኢትዮጵያን አንዲጠላ ተደርጎ ነው ።  መለስ በኤርትራውያን ሲናቅ፣ በትግሬዎች ሲሰድብ የኖረ ሰው ነው። ይህን ያስተዳደግ ችግሩን አጥጥ ሙጥት አድርጎ በኢትዮጵያና በኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ አውሏል።መለስ የአገር መሪ ሳይሆን የአራዳ ሌባ ለመሆን የተፈጠረና የተቀረጸ ሰው ነው። አቶ መለስ በአስተዳደግ የተበደለ መሆኑ የሚታወቀው በጭፍን ኢትዮጵያንና ኢትዮጵያውያንን በመጥላቱ ነው።መለስ ዜናዊ አነዚህ አማራዎችና አማርኛ ተናጋሪዎች አንዲባረሩ ውስጥ ውስጡን መሥራቱ አሌ የማይባል ነው።
አማራው ተማሯል፣ አማሯል ግን አምሮ ተነስቷል ብሎ በሙሉ አፍ መናገር የሚቸግር ይመስላል።አያንዳንዱ አማራ የያንዳንዱ ኢትዮጵያዊ ዜጋ መብት አንዲከበር መታገል አለበት።አማራው በግልም ሆነ በቡድን ቆርጦ ከተነሳ ለሌሎች ግለሰቦችም ሆነ ቡድኖች ጠንካራ አጋር አንጂ አንቅፋት አይሆንም።የየአንዱ ጎሳ ጠላት  ጎሳን ከጎሳ፣ ኃይማኖትን ከኃይማኖት፣ የሚያጋጨው  ስራት ነው። ይህ ስራት የሁሉም ጠላት ስለሆነ ሁሉም ተባብረው ሊነሱበት ይገባል።

Wednesday 11 April 2012

የኢሕአዴግ መንግሥት በመቶ ሚሊዮኖች በሚሰላ ብር እስር ቤቶች ሊያሰራ ነው!

በካሣሁን ለማ

የወያኔ ኢህአዴግ መንግሥት አራት መቶ ሰባ ሰባት ሚሊዮን ብር ወጪ በመመደብ አራት ተጨማሪ እሥር ቤቶችን ሊያሰራ ውሳኔ ላይ እንደደረሰ ከሀገር ቤት የተሠራጨው ዜና ያመለክታል።የተጨማሪ እሥር ቤቶች ግንባታ የሚካሄድባቸው ሥፍራዎች አዲስ አበባ፣ ድሬደዋ፣ሸዋሮቢትና ዝዋይ ከተሞች መሆናቸው ታውቋል። ቃሊቲ እሥር ቤት የመሠረት ድንጋይ የተጣለ ሲሆን፣ይህ ማለት ደግሞ የአዲስ አበባው 'አዲስ እሥር' ቤት ግንባታ እዛው ቃሊቲ ይደረጋል፣ወይም ሊስፋፋ እንደሚችል ይጠበቃል።ሁሉም እሥር ቤቶች አንድ በፌዴራል ደረጃ የተወከለ ሪፈራል ሆስፒታል እንደሚሰራ የተጠቀሰ ሲሆን ፣ መቀመጫውም አዲስ አበባ እንደሆነ ተመልክቷል።
የራሣቸው እንጂ የሕዝብ ጩኸት የማይሰማቸው የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት ባለስልጣናት እዚህ ውሣኔ ላይ የደረሱት በአሁኑ ወቅት ከሰባ ሺ በላይ አማራዎች መጠለያ አጥተው ''የመንግሥት ያለህ!'' በሚሉበት ሰዓት መሆኑ ሁኔታው ሳያስገርም እንዳልቀረ ይታመናል።
በአሁኑ ወቅት በመላው ሀገሪቱ ተንሰራፍቶ አደገኛ ደረጃ ላይ የደረሠው የኑሮ ውድነት በመጠኑም ቢሆን ለመቀነስ ጥረት የማይታይበት የወያኔ አስተዳደር ለህዝብ ያለው ንቀት፣አምባ ገነናዊነትና ማንአልሆኝነት በስፋት እያራመደ መምጣቱ ፤ ወያኔ ኢሕህአግ እየወሰደ ያለው ፍፁም ወቅታዊና አንገብጋቢ ርምጃ ያለመሆኑ የማንነቱ ዓይነተኛ ገላጭ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ቡዙዎቹን ሊያነጋር እንደሚችል ይጠበቃል።
የመለስ ዜናዊ አስተዳደር ከፊት ለፊቱ መጠነ ብዙ ጋሬጣዎች እንደተደቀኑበት የሚገልፁ የቅርብ ሰዎች እንደሚሉት በአንድ ፓርቲ እና በአንድ ሰው ሥር የሚተዳደር መንግሥት ምን ጊዜም ቢሆን ዕድሜዉ አጭር መሆኑን ገልጸው ፣ በሰበብ አስባቡ ምክንያት በማበጀት አስጊ ናቸው የተባሉትን እሥር ቤት መወርወር መሆኑን ይገልጻሉ። ከዚህ አንፃር የመለስ መንግሥት ተጨማሪ እስር ቤቶችን ለማሰራት እያወጣ ያለው በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠር ገንዘብ አይስገርማቸውም።
ከልማት ተቋማት ግንባታ ይልቅ የእሥር ቤቶችን ግንባታ የመረጠው የወያኔ መንግሥት አደገኛ የፖለቲካ አጣብቂኝ ውስጥ መግባቱን የሚያምኑ በርካታ ገለልተኛ የፖለቲካ ተንታኞች እንደሚሉት፣ የመለስ መንግሥት ዕድሜውን በአንድ ቀን ለማራዘም ማድረግ ያለበትን ከማድረግ የሚያግደው የለም ይላሉ።እንደነዚህ የፖለቲካ አዋቂዎች መለስ ለቀጣዩ ምርጫ በዕጩነት ለማቅረብ አይኑን በጨው አጥቦ በኢትዮጵያና በዓለም ኅብረተሰብ ፊት መውጣቱ እንደማይቀር ግምታቸውን ከገለጹ በኋላ ፣ ከዚሁ ጋር ተያይዞ ከህወሃት ሊያፈነግጡ የሚጠበቁና ከተቃዋሚ ጎራ ሆነው የሚቃወማቸውና በጹሑፍ የሚተቿቸውን እሥር ቤት ለመወርወር የአዲሶቹ እስር ቤቶች መገንባት ለዚሁ ዓላማ ሊሆን እንደሚችል እምነታቸውን አስፍረዋል።
በአሁኑ ወቅት በርካታ የአማራ ተወላጆች ዕትብታቸው በተቀበረበትና ወልደው በሳሙበት መሬት ላይ እንዲሠደዱና እንደ ሁለተኛ ዜጋ በመሠቃየት ላይ መሆናቸውን ያስታወሱት ተጠቃሽ ገለልተኛ ሙሑራን እንደሚሉት ወያኔ ኢሕአዴግ ከ ምርጫ ተምሪያለሁ ቢልም ፤ ከቅንጅት ወዲህ የተማረው ቢኖር በተንኮልና በመከፋፈል ሕዝቦችን መበደል ነው ይላሉ ። ለዚህም የአማራን ከቀዬው ማፈናቀልና ጉዳዩን ከደቡብ ሕዝቦች ጋር የማገናኘቱ ጊዜው ያለፈበት የቂል አቀራረብ ኮንነዋል።
እንደ አንዳንድ አስተያየት ሰጪዎች ከሆነ የመለስ ዜናዊ መንግሥት ከምርጫ ዘጠና ሰባት ምርጫና መዘዙ ወዲህ ለሕዝቡ ቅን አሳቢ በመምሰል በተቃራኒው መንቀሳቀስ ነው።ለምሣሌ የፀረ ሽብሩ አዋጅ ጠንካራ ተፎካካሪዎችን ፣ ጋዜጠኞችንና የሰበዓዊ መብት ተሟጋቾችን ሆን ብሎ ለማፈን እንጂ ፤ በእውነቱ ቦንብ በመታጠቅ የመንግሥትን ተቋማት የሚያወድም ወይም አጥፍቶ የሚያጠፋ ኢትዮጵያዊ ኖሮ አይደለም ህጉ የወጣው በማለት አጥብቀው ይተቻሉ።
በአሁኑ ወቅት ከሰባት መቶ ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ወጪ ሆኖ እንዲገነባ እንቅስቃሴ የተጀመረለት የተጨማሪ እሥር ቤቶች ግንባታ ገንዘብ ለልማት ቢውል የሺዎች ኢትዮጵያውያን ኑሮ ሊታደግ እንደሚችል ጥርጥር የለውም።ወይም በሺዎች የሚሰሉ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ተፈናቃዮችን የመጠለያ ችግር መፍትሄ በመስጠት ባቃለለ ነበር የሚሉ ወገኖች ፤ አሁን ወያኔ ሊያሠራ የወሰነውን የእሥር ቤቶች ግንባታ ሂደት አንድ አንድምታ እንዳለው በጋራ ይስማሙበታል።ይህውም መንግሥት በሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠሩ ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ፊት ለፊት ከሚጠብቀው የፖለቲካ ቀውስና ምርጫ ጋር በተየያዘ እሥር ቤት ለመማገድ ውሳኔ ላይ ደርሷል።
ኢትዮሚድያ - Ethiomedia.com
April 6, 2012

Maitre Artiste Afewerk Tekle dies at 80

  ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia– Ethiopia’s renowned and acclaimed painter the most honorable Maitre Artiste World Laureate Afewerk Tekle has died late last night at the age of 80 at Kadisco Hospital, Capital learnt.
The country’s much-admired artist died due to a severe illness after receiving treatment in the capital Addis Ababa, a close family, who didn’t want to be named, told Capital on Wednesday morning. The artist’s passage and funeral plans are expected to be announced later in the day.
The late Maitre Artiste World Laureate Afewerk Tekle was born on October 22, 1932 in the historic city of Ankober in Shoa Province, Ethiopia, according to the artist’s official web portal.
Sent to England in 1947 to become a mining engineer, Afewerk’s artistic talent was soon perceived. He was accepted at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London and later went to the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of London, the famous “Slade”. While studying in England he made several artistic pilgrimages to Europe.
On the completion of his studies he returned to Addis Ababa where he held a one-man exhibition at the Municipality Hall in 1954. It was the first significant art exhibition of post-war Ethiopia.
Soon after his exhibition he left Ethiopia for a study tour in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Greece. In addition to these countries, he carried out various studies in England. He also made a special study of the Ethiopian illustrated manuscripts in the British Library, the Bibliothẻque Nationale in Paris and the Vatican Library, thereby gaining a deeper knowledge of his own artistic heritage.
After two years of this extensive study, Afewerk, by now a well–equipped artist, returned with full confidence to his native land, to tackle the task ahead.
On his arrival in Ethiopia, Afewerk opened his studio in the National Library of Ethiopia. Soon afterwards he was given his first challenging commission by the Ethiopian Government: The decoration of St. George’s Cathedral, one of the capital’s two most important religious edifices, where he worked on murals and mosaics for three and a half years.
Afewerk also designed his own house, studio and gallery, known as Villa “Alpha”. He was architecturally inspired by his own cultural heritage, especially by ancient Aksum, the mediaeval castles of Gondar and the old walled city of Harrar.
His paintings included titles such as “Backbones of African Civilization”, “African Movement”, “African Atmosphere” and “African Unity”, and for Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada, “Africa’s Heritage” which are now in the permanent collection of the National Museum of Ethiopia. After many studies he produced over ten designs for an African Unity emblem and flag. Afewerk’s internationally famous stained-glass windows confronting the visitor in the entrance of Africa Hall, the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, is one of his greatest achievements.
In 1964 he became the first winner of the Haile Sellassie I Prize for Fine Arts. The citation described him as a “versatile and disciplined artist”. And the prize was awarded “for his outstanding drawings, paintings, landscapes, and portraits which eloquently express his particular world environment, and for his contribution in being among the first to introduce contemporary techniques to Ethiopian subject matter and content.”
He recently participated in an exhibition held at the Sheraton Addis with other renowned artists.

በኢትዮጵያ ህይወታቸውን የሚያጠፉ ሰዎች ቁጥር እየተበራከተ ነው

ሚያዚያ ፪ (ሁለት) ቀን ፳፻፬ ዓ/ም

ኢሳት ዜና:-በኢትዮጵያ በፍትህ ፣ በመልካም አስተዳዳር እጦት ና በችጋር ህይወታቸውን የሚያጠፉ ሰዎች ቁጥር እየተበራከተ ነው
የኢሳት የክልል ወኪሎች አጠናክረው የላኩት መረጃ እንደሚያሳየው በተለይ በደቡብ ክልል ከማዳበሪያ እዳ ጋር በተያያዘ፣ በመልካም አስተዳዳር እጦትና የኑሮ ውድነቱን ለመቋቋም የተሳናቸው ዜጎች ራሳቸውን ማጥፋት እንዳማራጭ አድርገው እየተጠቀሙ ነው። በያዝነው ወር ብቻ በዳውሮ ዞን ውስጥ ሁለት አርሶአደሮች የማዳበሪያ እዳ መክፈል ተስኖአቸው ራሳቸውን ያጠፉ ሲሆን በጋሞ ጎፋ ዞንም ወደ 4 የሚጠጉ አርሶ አደሮች በማዳበሪያ እና በምርጥ ዘር እዳ ተመሳሳይ ድርጊት መፈጸማቸው ታውቋል። ራሳቸውን ካጠፉ ሰዎች መካከል አንድ ሴት ራሳቸውን ወደ ገደል ወርውረው ያጠፉበት መንገድ አሰቃቂ መሆኑን የደቡቡ ዘጋቢያችን ገልጧል። በደቡብ ክልል በሲዳማ ዞን በጩኮ ወረዳ ማንጉዶ ቀበሌ በግብርና ስራ ይተዳዳሩ የነበሩት አቶ ካሚሶ ካያሞ የቀበሌው ሊቀመንበር የይዞታ መሬታቸውን ስለቀማቸው ራሳቸውን ማጥፋታቸው መዘገቡ ይታወሳል።
ተመሳሳይ ድርጊት ለመፈጸም ሙከራ የሚያደርጉ ሰዎች ቁጥርም መበራከቱን መረጃዎች ያመለክታሉ። በትናንትናው እለት መምህር የኔሰው ገብሬ ይኖርበት በነበረው ተርጫ ከተማ ውስጥ አንድ የመንግስት ሰራተኛ ትናንት ዘፋ ላይ ወጥቶ ፍትህ ካልተሰጠኝ ራሴን አጠፋለሁ በማለት ለ13 ሰአት ያክል በዘፍ ላይ ቆይቷል። ቀደም ሲል የዞኑ ፍርድ ቤት የሰው ሀብት ልማት ኦፊሴር ሆነው ሲያገለግሉ የነበሩት አቶ አየለ አባተ የአንድነት ፓርቲ አባል ናቸው በሚል ተጠርጥረው ከስራ እንዲባረሩ ከተደረጉ በሁዋላ ችግራቸውን ለክልል ባለስልጣናት አመልክተው ወደ ስራቸው እንዲመለሱ ቢደረጉም፣ የዞኑ ባለስልጣናት በበቀል መልክ ለ1 አመት አስረዋቸው በነጻ ፍትተዋቸው ነበር። አቶ አየለም በእስር ቤት እያሉ ለሰብአዊ መብቶች ችግራቸውን ማቅረባቸው በመሰማቱ ለተጨማሪ 6 ወር ታስረው እንደነበር የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች ይናገራሉ።
የአካባቢው ሰው የአቶ አየለን ድርጊት በአግራሞት ሲከታተል እንደነበር፣ በመጨረሻም በባለስልጣናት ውትወታ ራሱን ከማጥፋት መታቀቡን የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች ገልጠዋል።
ራሳቸውን የሚያጠፉ ወይም ለማጥፋት የሚሞክሩ ሰዎች ብቻ ሳይሆን በመንግስት ታጣቂዎች ያለ ህግ የሚገደሉትም እንዲሁ እየጨመረ ነው። በደቡብ ኦሞ ዞን አርሶ አደር ባዩ ወልድቡ በቀበሌው ሊቀመንበር መገደላቸውን ሰሞኑን ኢሳት መዘገቡ ይታወሳል። ባለፈው ሳምንት በጎንደር ከተማ ነዋሪ የሆነው ዘመኑ አዱኛ የተባለ ወጣት የፋሲካን በአል ከቤተሰቦቹ ጋር ለማክበር ወደ ደባርቅ ከተማ በሄደበት ተገድሎአል። ወጣት ዘመኑ ከመገደሉ በፊት ደባርቅ ወረዳ ወጋንባ ኪዳንምረት ቀበሌ ከሚገኙት እናቱ ጋር እያወራ ነበር። የአካባቢው ፖሊሶችና ሚሊሺያዎች ከምሽቱ 2 ሰአት ላይ እንደሚፈልጉት ገልጠውለት፣ ወጣቱም ወደ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ ማምራቱን፣ ከዚያ በሁዋላ ከፍተኛ ደብደባ እንደተፈጸመበት ድብደባውን መቋቋም ሲሳነው ለማምለጥ ሲሞክር በሁለት ጥይት ተመትቶ ህይወቱ አልፎአል። የወጣቱ ሞት እንደተሰማ የቀበሌው ህዝብ ቁጣውን በመግለጡ ፖሊሶቹ አንዱን ሚኒሺ ገዳዩ እርሱ ነው በማለት ለይምሰል ይዘው እንዳሰሩት ከአካባቢው ያገኘነው መረጃ ያመለክታል። ወጣት ዘመኑ የአሸባሪ ድርጅቶች አባል በመሆን ህዝቡ በመንግስት ላይ እንዲነሳ ሲቀሰቅስ ነበር የሚል ክስ ቀርቦበት እንደነበር ታውቋል።
በጋምቤላ ባለፈው ማክሰኞ አንድ ወጣት በወታደሮች መገደሉን መዘገባችን ይታወሳል። መረጃዎች እንደሚጠቁሙት የመለስ መንግስት ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ አገሪቱን ለማስተዳዳር እየተቸገረ ነው። የመንግስት ደጋፊ ተደርገው የሚቆጠሩት ሪፖርትርን የመሳሰሉ ጋዜጦች ሳይቀሩ የፖለቲካ ለውጥ ያስፈልጋል በማለት መጻፍ ጀምረዋል።

Monday 9 April 2012

Ethiopia arrests UN worker for “terrorism”

Friday, April 6, 2012 @ 10:04 PM ed
By William Davison
April 5 (Bloomberg) — Ethiopia is prosecuting one of its nationals who works for the United Nations under the country’s anti-terrorism law for having links with a banned ethnic-Somali rebel group, Amnesty International said.
Abdirahman Sheik Hassan, a UN security officer, was arrested in July after he helped to negotiate the release of two World Food Programme workers abducted in Ethiopia’s Somali region, Amnesty International’s Ethiopia researcher, Claire Beston, said yesterday in an e-mailed response to questions. The rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front freed the pair in June.
State Minister of Communications Shimeles Kemal said today in an interview in Addis Ababa, the capital, that he was unaware of the arrest of any UN workers under the law. Rights groups such as Amnesty have criticized the government for using the 2009 anti-terrorism law to suppress political dissent.
“The vague provisions of the law effectively prohibit any communication with a proscribed group, which could be used to criminalize legitimate behavior including that of journalists, or, as in this case, someone negotiating the release of hostages,” Beston said.
The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, Eugene Owusu, did not respond today to calls and a text message to his mobile-phone seeking comment. The UN has 27 agencies operating in Ethiopia, according to its website. Ethiopia is one of the world’s largest recipients of development aid and received over $3 billion in 2008, according to New York-based Human Rights Watch.
Swedish Journalists Jailed
Two Swedish journalists were sentenced in December to 11 years each for supporting the ONLF and entering the country illegally. A second UN worker, Yusuf Mohamed, has been in “arbitrary detention” in the Somali regional capital, Jijiga, since late 2010, according to Beston. “Allegedly this is because his brother is believed to be involved in the ONLF in Denmark,” she said.
The WFP employees went missing in the region, which borders Somalia, after an attack on their convoy in which one worker died and another was injured, according to the UN.
The government and the ONLF, which has been fighting for self-determination of the Ogaden area of the region since 1984,
accused each other of carrying out the armed ambush.

ይህችን ግጥም እወዳታለሁ

ይህችን ግጥም እወዳታለሁ፡፡ በስደት ለሚገኘው ዳዊት ዋሲሁን መታሰቢያ ትሁነኝ በቀጣይ ሁልጊዜ ፖስት በማደርጋቸው ግጥሞች ማበረታቻ ለምትሰጡኝም መርጫታለሁ

ጭር ሲል አልወድም ያመረቀናቸው መለስ

ከዳዊት ዋስይሁን
April, 09, 2012
ስልዚህ ሰውየ እብደት ብዙ ተጽፎአል፤ አሁን ደግሞ እስቲ እኔ ልሞክር ስንቶቻችን ተመችቶን ዝም እንበል፣ ተንደላቀን በጀርባችን ተኛን፤ ሆዳችንን አሳብጠን ካሳቸው ጋር አደር ሆንን፤ ዛሬ ከኖርን ብለን ዝም አልን፣ ለዚህም ነው ይህንን ችግራችንንና ጉድለታችንን በመገንዘብ በተነጫነጭን ገዜ ሁኑ በአፋችን ጡጦ እየከተቱ እየሳቁብን ይኸው እኛ ሳንፈልጋችው 20 አመታቸው ስልን አሳቸው ከነጋሻ ጃግሬዎቻቸው እምዬን፣ ህዝቧንና መሬቷን በስመ ልማት እያመሱና ለመጪው 40 አመት ለመንገስ ዙፋናቸውን እያጸኑ ይገኛሉ ጥያቄው እስከ መቼ ነው ይህ የሚሆነው፣ በአገር ቤት ያለው ያሚከፍለው መስዋእትነት ከፍተኛ ለመሆኑ ቃሊቲንና ማእከላዊን ከውስጥ ሳይሆን ከውጭ ማየት ማስረጃ ይሆናል፣ ግፉ ከመብዛቱ የተነሳና ሰዎች ከመታጎራቸው ብዛት ማጎርያው አብጦ ሊፈነዳ ደርሷል ጥያቄው መቼነው እኛ በቃ የምንላቸው ሲሆን በውጭ ያለው ይህንን ጉድና ችግር የተገነዘበ አይመስልም እንደውም በስመ ዲያስፖራ ኢንቬስተር ክብሩንና ስብእናውን በማዋረድ ተባባሪ በመሆን የሚይረሳ ከፍተኛ ወንጀል እየፈጸመ ይገኛል።
ድሮ በየመንግዱ የምሰማው አንድ ዘፈን ነበር እሱም ጭር ሲል አልወድም የሚል ሲሆን በርግጥ ድሮ አይገባኝም ነበር አሁን ግን ከመግባትም አልፎ ዘፍኑን በተግባር የሚተሩጉሙ አብዮታዊ ዲሞክራት መሪ አሉኝ በዚህም ደስታ ይሠማኛል ልበል? ሰውየው በውነት ለመናገር ከሆነ ጭር ሲል ውቃቢያቸው እየተነሳ ስለሚጥላቸው የሳቸውን አባዜ ለማስደሰት አገር መታመስ አለበት ጠዋትም ማተም ሌሊትም ሲበሉም ሲጠጡም የሚፈልጉት ሲታመስና ሲበጠበጥ መስማትና ማየት ነው።
ለዚህም ነው ይህ የፈረደበት አገርና ህዝብ እንደፈለጉ ቢያረጉት ቢሰድቡት፣ ቢገሉት የማይረኩት ለመጣቀሻ እንዲሆነኝ ለሳቸው የዛር ማብረጃ ከቀረበላቸው ግብር ጥቂቶቹን ብገልጽ በዚሁ አመት በተለያዩ የአገሪቱ ክፍሎች ቆመንለታል እንዲሁም መንገድ መርቶ አዲስ አበባ አስገባን የሚሉትን ባለውለታቸው አርሶ አደሩን ከመሬቱና ከርስቱ በማፈናቀል መሬቱን ለህንዶች፣ ለአረቦች ለቱንኩች እንዲሁም ለቻይኖች እያደሉ እርሱን ጭሰኛ ሲያረጉ ገበሬው ከነ ቤተሰቡ ተፈናቅሎ ሲጮህ አገር ስትተራመስ መሬት የወሰዱት ባለሃብት ተብዬዎች በየቴሌቭዥን መስኮት እየቀረቡ በስውየው ደደብነት ሲደንሱ እሳቸው አራት ኪሎ ተቀምጠው ነገ ሊያፈናቅሉት ያለውን የሌላውን ገበሬ ጤፍ እየበሉ የገበሬውን ጫጫታ ጫት እየቃሙ ይዝናኑበታል፣ በነጋዴው መንደር በቀረጥና በማዋከብ ሲያስጮሁትና ከገበያ ውጭ ሲያደርጉት፣ በተማሪውና በወጣቱ ወገን ስራ በማሳጣት፣ በማስፈራራትና ተስፋ በማስቆረጥ ሲያስጮኹት፣ በወታደራዊው እዝ የተወሰኑ ቡድኖች እንደፈለጉ ሲያዙና ሲያስጮኹት በመምህራኑ ሰፈር ሞራልን በመምታት በሙያውና በመምህራኑ ስብና ሲያላግጡበትና ሲያስጮኹት በሃይማኖቱ ጎራ ጣታቸውን አስገብተው የፈልጉትን ሲሾሙ የፈለጉትን የቤተ እምነት ስፍራ ሲወርሱና ሲያርሱ ሲያቃጥሉ ሲበጠብጡና ሲያስጮኹ የርሳቸው ዛር ከመርካት ይልቅ የጭር ሲል አልወድም ከበሮ እየመታ ያቅራራል፣ አንዱን ወገን በገዛ አገሩ እንዳይኖር ከትዳሩ፣ ከወለደበት፣ ካፈራው ሃብት ተደላድሎ ከሚኖርበት ቦታ በብሄሩ ብቻ ኢትዮጵያዊነቱን በመግፈፍ በአገሩ እንደባይተዋር እያፈናቀሉ ሲያስጮኹት ጡት በሚጠቡ ጨቅላ ህጻናት ጩኸት ሲፍነከነኩና እንደተኮረኮረ ሲፍለቀለቁ ይታያል፣ ዜጋው እንደዜጋ ተው ይህ ነገር ላገርም ለትውልድም አይበጅ ብለው ዚናገሩ የእምዬን ወደአብዬ በመወርወር በየማጎሪያው በመክተት ማስጮህ፡ ጩኸት እዚህ ጩኸት እዚያ ጩኸት ……….ጩኸት
ጎበዝ በድሮው ዘመን ያስቸገረ ዛር ካለ መፍትሄው ቀላል ነው ለነፍሱ ያደረ ና ወደአምላኩ የተጠጋ መንፈሳዊ አባት መፍትሄ ያመጣል፣ የሰውየው ዛር ግን በዚህ መንገድ የሚቻል እይደለም ምክንያቱም ዛሩ ወደሳቸው ሳይሆን የመጣው እርሳቸው ናቸው ዛሩላይ የተፈናጠጡት፣ ሳይንስ ቀመስ ዛር ይላሉ ይህ ነው በፍትሄው በያለበት ቁጭ ብሎ መምከር ሲሆን የተበጣጠቀ ጩኸት ለሳቸው እድሜ ከማርዘም ውጭ የፈጠረው የታየ እንደምታ የለም ስለዚህ እሳቸው ሲያስጮኹን እኛ የጯሂውች ህብረት መመስረት ከተለያየ ጩኸት የጠነከረ አንድጩኸት መፍጠር፣ ጠርዝ ተርዝ የያዝን ሁላችን ጉዳዩ ያገባናል ብለን ከእስራኤላውያን ትምህርት ወስድን አንድ ታላቅ ጩኸት ልክ የኢያሪኮን አጥር \ግንብ\ እንደናደ ያለ የተጠራቀመ ቁጭትና የቁጣ ጩኽት ልንጮህበት ይገባል ያኔ የትውልድ ባለውለታ እንሆናለን ካለበለዛ ግን ነገ ጠዋት የኛንም በር ያንኳኳል ባገር ቤት ያለውን ጩኽት ለመድኩ ደግሞ የውጪው አምሮኛል ሊል ይችላል፣ ሞክሯልም! ስለዚህ ጊዜው አሁን የህብረት ሰአት ነው፡
የጭር ሲል አልውድም የአራት ኪሎው ባላባት ጊዜውን እናሳጥር። በቃ!
