
"The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being." - Lech Walesa

Sunday 1 April 2012

Tigray hate for Amharas begins from 70 years ago

Tigray hate for Amharas begins from 70 years ago when the Italian colonialist invaded Ethiopia. During that time, the Italians propagated propaganda to the Tigrays about the Amhara. In the propoganda the Amharas were potrayed as savages and murders. The propoganda also called for Tigrays to collaborate with the Italians to eliminate the Amharas, and in some instances the Tigrays did so. After independence, however, those Tigrays that were loyal to Italians were no more. They did not have the prestige and previldege they enjoyed while the Italians were there. As time went on, the colonialist mentality reset itself within the community, and so began the struggle for independence. Although, the call for an independent Tigrai would not be put on paper until 1975, the idea was very prevalent since the Italians left.

When the TLF came and then later on the TPLF, it reinforced that same colonialist thinking by calling out for the eradication of Amharas. In fact, in the 1975 manifesto the TPLF puts down in text that the Amhara are prime enemy of the Tigrai people.

The TPLF managed to inject the colonialist thinking into the people to point where the people held a deep seated hatred for Amharas. The TPLF kept on reintroducing the notion of Ethiopia or Ethiopianism was Amharaism and vice verse. Thus, Tigrays started to be anti-Ethiopian in all rounds.

And so what came to be Tigray identity today is now based on hating Amharas or rather Ethiopia. In order to be labeled a true Tigray person, one has to be anti-Amhara and confess and profess of the TPLF manifesto as though it was the bible. In addition, the Tigray person has to accept historical and political aspects as the TPLF dictates or otherwise they are not Tigray. For example, the person must believe in Axum belonging to only Tigrays or for example, Amharas criticize or hate the TPLF because it is a Tigray party. Such assumptions come from the same identity created by the TPLF. Sadly, this is the identity of most Tigrays. Furthermore, they have now interpreted their anti-Ethiopian identity for being Ethiopian. In fact, the whole reason of Axum belonging to Tigrays is related to question of ethiopia. Now days there is no better Ethiopian than Tigrays. That is what they boast about that they are pure-Ethipians and not mixed as the Amharas are. So when they tell you they are Ethiopian, they only mean they are Ethiopian if Tigray superiority is guranteed, you accept the struggle of the TPLF, Axum belong to Tigrai and so on.

There are, of course, Tigrays that do not hate Amharas. They are Ethiopian Tigrays. Those Tigrays are free from the inferiority completed based identity. Those Tigrays are Ethiopian and believe in Axum or any historical account being the bank of all Ethiopians. They are free from prejudice, discrimination or any ethnic-nationalist tendencies. Sadly, however, the number of those Tigrays is few compared to the larger Tigrays who entertain the idea of ethnic superiority.

What we have in Ethiopia today is Tigray ethnic superiority. In all sectors, religion, politics, social, economical are all controlled by Tigrays. While they were accusing the Amharas doing the same which by the was not true, they are fully engaged in ethnic dominance.

So some of you might ask if the Tigrays have power why have they not created a Tigray state yet? Well, our question to you is why would a thieve leave a household when he or she knows they owner will not come any time soon? Their goal is simple and that is to get all the resources as much as they can before they are overthrown, and once they are overthrown they will form their independence state.

The TPLF has a 100, 000 trained army all from Tigray ethnic group, and it also has moved the Ethiopian Airfoce into Tigray. Much of developments are occurring in Tigray state, but they try to play it down. What they are doing is preparing for the future. What they have become completely ignorant about is that they are next door. No any type of weapon will stop the anger of an angry people.

For our Tigray brothers and sisters who believe they are Ethiopian, you have nothing to fear, but for those Tigrays who have committed atrocities against Ethiopians the time is ticking and you will be brought to justice.

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